I don't know but I have exactly this in the exact same places and was able to basically clear it completely with panoxyl (benzoyl peroxide 10%) wash. Like I tried everything. Panoxyl wiped it out

The ones on my back were

I never tried it. 10% benzoyl peroxide (panoxyl) ended up clearing it

It's your doctors/psychiatrists job to look for something that will help.

I'm on 100mg for anxiety depression and ocd. I switched from Paxil which I've basically been on all my life. Posting online like this asking questions is making your anxiety significantly worse, coming from somebody who was in the exact same situation as you. Stay off the internet when it comes to meds and you'll be good. People have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to stuff like this.

I like it a lot

current is amazinhgg

You look young but you should probably get bloodwork