Just use water that you let air overnight. It truly helps and it’s free, however if you do have the money then buy some of that stuff to put on your water that kinda eliminates chlorine as they suggest.

I mostly use Tap water. HOWEVERRRRR!!!! I use water that I previously let it sit down for at least 24 hours. Meaning that I don’t use directly from the tap. The chlorine and fluoride is not great for some plants, so by keeping the water on an open container for 24 hours eliminate some of that.

I also use rain water that I collect In q containers that I have outside, but because I have more than 200 plants I need to supplement with “tap Water”

What a beauty, what type of cactus is this?


There’s different steps that helped me. None was done in short time. It took a long time, but that’s just me it usually takes me long time to do a lot of things.

The first step was declutter, that was so hard for me because I’m extremely sensitive and I get attached to things.

However I feel the biggest impact in my shooping addiction was buying good quality items. Once I started to only aim for items that worth my money/time is when I things dramatic change.

I no longer buy because I was bored or to follow a fashion. I had a list of things I wanted and I waited for the right time to get it. My closet has become so organized and I love all my cloths.

Basically is same concept can apply to your daily life. Only welcome things and people that are worth it, because you wort it better thing.

Ohhh you think that’s enough?? Ohhhh I got news for you that’s just the start


It’s actually true. I lost my very well paid job in 2018 and back then I was already working on my shopping addiction, but loosing that job was the one that totally made me change my ways.

Since then I have not find another job that pay well and all the jobs since had pay me enough to survive.

However I’m thankful, because that has make me only buy what I need. If I want something I just save money and get something that i research and good quality even if it’s more expensive. So no impulse buying.


It’s very common that after getting out of one addiction people replace it with another one. That’s what they call addictive personality.

It has not been a night to day success. It has taken years and you’ll have to work on it everyday. Specially when you’re challenging with triggers.

Here’s my list, my main issue is cloths, so you may need to change your depending on what’s your issues.

All this ones FREEEeE no money required. Also, your body type or different styles can use this methods.

Declutter: I follow so many of this declutter influencers, but Carla is my favorite

3 word methods: Helped me a lot knowing what’s my style and how to describe it to people and to my self. Keep me away from my “fantasy” style personal.

7 days 7 looks: To get ideas and shop in your own closet.

Color analysis: YES, Freee, using AI

Understanding Fabrics: HOLY GRAIl and the one influencer that influenced me the most to NOT BUY useless crap. She cure me SERIOUSLY

Body shape: Good to understand your body shape to help make better decisions, however sometimes I do like to get out of the mold if I feel comfortable.

Something funny has happened in the last months. I used to be that person that love big plants. All my house is surrounded by big plants.

However, recently I really have enjoyed the small ones that don’t take much space and also has to do with the smaller pots I have. There’s not that many choices when it comes to finding good pots that are big is cheaper. Not even in second hand stores.

So I have decided if I get any more plants, I’ll stick to small ones that don’t grow up so fast.

Honestly, my techniques are quarantine new plants and every morning while drinking my coffee look at my plants to see if there’s any pests.

So, here’s the thing I have encountered some plants with them. Officially it means I have NOT be successful at NOT having them, but because I catch them before it becomes to much I have been successful at not getting worse.

What I’m trying to said is that if you have plants you’ll get them no matter how much you prevent. The trick is to find not letting them take over and then pass it to the rest of your plants.

Trust me you’ll eventually will get them. There’s no perfect solution.


Find out more whats your trigger. Exactly what takes you from one stage “over it” to be immerse.

I found out my triggers where when I was bored or after dealing with a situation where I feel not enough.

The “bored situation” Im easy able to fight it. I immediately go and do some type of project. Even going to clean my toilet or do the dishes.

The one that I still struggle is when I don’t feel enough. For that I go Into my approach of concentrating more into gratitude and what I have to be thankful for: so my approach is more spiritual.

Find your triggers and have a plan B to fight it.


One thing that cure my shopping addiction is when I started to shop not as a consumer, but as a curator.

You know those people who collect art? That’s basically how I shop for cloths. It may be more expensive, but I get pieces with lots of intention, good quality and timeless.

Yes, some are expensive, but I look into when there’s a sale and have learned to be patient. What I’m trying to said is that your “expensive taste” is not a bad thing, in fact it can be good in you learn how to handle it.

Also; remember expensive doesn’t mean good quality: learn what makes a clothing worth the price.

Honestly, no technology at all. The best memories of my childhood was being outside playing with my family members and neighbors.

We used to go outside and play all type of games. During the day time and nighttime. Those were awesome times for a kid.


Yes, but it took many years. It was not something I was able to accomplish in a short time. It was a process that required lots of work in different areas of my life.

For example, I had to get therapy for traumas that were overall causing my addiction, then I had to also look into financial issues and health issues. You’ll be surprised how an unhealthy lifestyle can cause lots of problems in your health and overall mental, when your hormones are not functioning properly it can unbalance you and cause so so much issues.

Then once you work on those, you can have to the other work and that’s understanding your self, and look into your style and what looks good on you.

Then it’s learning about each item you purchased like the fabrics and the manufacture of the item. I can go into details, but it will take long to explain.

Snake plants are very resilient plants that I don’t see a problem. HOWEVER, it also depends on the health conditions of the roots and also the environment. If your plant is struggling then changing the environment constantly could cause stress.

Also, depends on the previous conditions of the plant, that’s why Is not usually recommended to repot a plant that you just purchased and that their environment was change dramatically, unless is extremely necessary.

Because is a snake plant and you’re not changing their environment much and plant is healthy then i believe the plant should be ok

:chihuahua: Chihuahua

Yo me convertí en padre hace un mes, y la verdad no te miento. A sido muy fácil, sobre todo como cambiará tu vida.

Tal vez tú tendrás ayuda de familia, pero nosotros no tenemos a nadie más ya que vivimos muy lejos de familia y amistades así que en realidad sólo nos tenemos a nosotros.

Escuche en un vídeo unos hombre hablando de ser padre y comparto mucho el pensamiento. Me gustaría compartir el video, pero tal vez la comunidad no les gustara ya que el q da el consejo no es bien visto en la sociedad.

La idea es que tu cómo padre tu trabajo en apoyar a tu mujer en todo. Ya que ella estará muy ocupada recuperando mental y físicamente aparte de amamantar a tu hijo. Tienes que estar pendiente de q ella esté bien y q su salud mental esté bien. Y recuerda que por 6 meses o más tu esposa no será la persona que estás acostumbrado ver. Así que no le aguardes recientomiento an ella o al bebé.

I’m not sure if anyone else has the same experience, but for me Monstera plants grow super quickly. I currently have two huge ones and 3 small ones, and the small ones are already medium size. I’m actually growing them so I can give them to some friends who love the big ones.

I’m not sure if the reason why they grow so fast is because the environment as I love very humid home or because I only water them once every 4 or 5 weeks with rain or snow water.

That depends, do your roomate’s could care also, do you have pets? Some ladybugs can be hurtful to cats.

I personally did this few years ago and I don’t necessarily regret it, but honestly they did not much so it was kinda not necessarily worth the price.

I think is because I was very much not well inform about the process so in a way it was also my own fault jumping into something I saw online with out knowing more info about it.


As someone else mentioned it’s great to have that determination feeling as that will help a lot, HOWEVER

Let’s get honest about it. Not necessarily because the idea of “quit cold Turkey” is not possible, but because it’s a very very very difficult plan and if you want to successfully achieve your goal is good to have a realistic plan.

When you said “quit cold turkey” is this for how long? Are you doing a month of no shopping or for ever?

What’s exactly your plant and how you’re going to handle the emotional state as well of buying what’s necessary?

Sending you good vibes to achieve your goal, but also look around and have a plan to be ready.


“Fantasy self” can be an extremely TOXIC persona that doesn’t have your back or gives you nothing back. It’s just a way to feed your EGO.

I have aim to avoid that “Materialistic persona” and concentrate more in the one who seeks out a different path. For example, the one who’s into living a more sustainable lifestyle where I living with less clutter and economic freedom.

I think is easy for me to look for that personality as I’m currently not working and have no income to even try to imagine that I can afford buying anything apart from food and paying bills.

My advice to anyone is to look into the other side of that fantasy self maybe you’ll find out that giving that other fantasy self what it wants is better.

Mac Donald

or fast food. For us that was something you’ll get on a very nice occasion very rare. It was so expensive we could afford


Here in my town we have during the year swap out cloths. You still have to pay 15 dollars to enter, buts totally worth it.

Yes, you get the typical people that bring very bad conditions cloths, but also you can find really cool stuff.

I personally think is the best idea ever, cause lots of us who want to declutter cloths want our clothes to go to someone who truly will wear and like the cloths instead of donation to who knows who and end in landfill.


Seriously all I want right now is to just enjoy the beautiful spring weather and go outside.

Buying things is not on my list. Question, why you guys constantly post stuff like this on this subreddit?

Is like going to a AAA alcoholic anonymous meeting and talk about the beers and alcohol drinks we’re missing.

How about let’s change the topic and make it reflectively. For example?

What have you done today so far to improve your day and focusing on not need of materialism to enjoy your day?

I start. Weather forecast looks lovely with lots of sunshine to make me walk and don’t feel need to buy.

My mother not a cat person, found a kitty in the street. 2 years later now she has 6 cats and just build them a huge CATIO. Growing up I never had my own room, but this cats have now a catio.

I know right? That’s a major flex. If someone should be considered a green thumb that’s OP