That level of pettiness is even sweeter than the cream on top of the drinks.

What the actual fuck Canada?

It doesn't really matter the level of math problem it's whatever tickles your brain. Small math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations like whatever you can do quickly. Just the act of accessing your math brain kind of takes away from everything else. We're really good at focusing on one thing at a time so for focusing on the math it helps take away from the emotion or whatever else is driving the rapid fire thoughts du jour. Sometimes I just look at the clock and pick numbers and then just start doing operations on them in my head I'll multiply them all I'll divide them I'll laugh at perfect squares I find just you know ... Autistic things.

The trick with the math is to not find something you'll struggle with. We're trying to relax the brain. Although yeah I'm a total liar because I've done stupid things like I wanted to build a shelf and I could remember that I took a statics class in my undergrad and so I found a older edition of a statics textbook used and I worked through some of the problems and it was fun because I love physics especially when nothing's moving.

10:00 a.m., I have a thing at 4 p.m., I'm trying desperately to figure something out to do between now and then. Wish me luck.

My wife was in class of '96 and we went to the same High School and I have all the yearbooks on a shelf and it's funny because there's doubles of everything but 93 and 97.

I really do feel like we were the strangest class, best class, I'm not even sure how to describe it but I remember in 8th grade being excited there was an auto shop in the high school that was replaced with a computer lab over the summer. When I got to college it was the first year of broadband internet in the dorms. When I drove home from school for the last time I had a cell phone.

They talk about us being in between old and new but I think we are the most specific cohort of bleeding edge or tail end depending on the way you look at it.

Yeah it's a rarity for us after a couple years of very effective therapy but sometimes she decides it very inopportune times to test my RSD.

I've also effectively used math problems to shut off emotions.

The only other thing I can think of is I have a mantra, when I get it overwhelmed with things "your brain is lying to you" and then I just keep repeating that. It's shockingly effective.

YMMV but apparently one of my key characteristics is that I have what an expert called as an emotional kill switch that would make psychopaths jealous.

My partner picked the fight with me yesterday and must have activated the switch because I don't care about anything that's not the project I want to be working on.

So I guess getting a stupid fight with your partner and then enjoy the emotional void?

I know my wife refuses to not put on at least, I think it's foundation, because she's afraid of some damage and her foundation is SPF 30 or something.

Other than that I really have nothing to add to this discussion but I hope you all just do what makes you happy.

He's doing what you asked and you can't trust him? Are you also actively working on the relationship or do you expect that it is just him that is, or should be, doing the work?

It sounds like there's a whole lot more to this story and it's time for couples therapy. I don't know about your state but at least where I live you have to go to therapy for quite some time before they will even allow you to start the divorce process so if it's inevitable may as well give it a shot and worse comes to worst end up liking each other again and stay married. Otherwise you already have your homework done before you start the process and then it's a little quicker.

What the heck kind of tires are you getting? Take yourself to a tire store, this looks like a stealership.

Was that the only reason or was that the last reason? Be honest with yourself. Yeah that's a pretty critical thing but if there's no other reason to stay together you had the perfect reaction.

I haven't been dealt that hand since 2002. Congratulations! May you see the 29 pointer again in this lifetime.

I drove out there two weeks ago in my 2020 Tahoe in 2wd. You'll be fine if not kinda underwhelmed.

This is painful to read. My kids are friends with kids that were homeschooled up the street until the pandemic hit and the mom was so disgusted with anti-vax logic that she pulled them out of homeschool and put them into public school. I'm not sure if those are the right verbs to use but meaning sticks. Those kids have matured and become such better people in just a couple years. I mean they weren't bad kids before but you could tell they were homeschooled.

I wonder if anybody told her that there's literally a semantic explanation of the bell curve at the bottom.

A point of that out in another thread a long time ago and a bunch of people chimed in that didn't quite fit that criteria. I'm March of 79 so I was class of 1997.

I'm a 45 year old man born in this country and I haven't missed voting in a single election since I turned 18. Even those silly local ones that just have one thing to vote on which is usually the renewal of the school or police or fire millage.

Think of it as your license to complain. We all like to complain. May as well feel justified in doing it and you get a sticker. Stickers are cool.


Thanks for the tip but I'm already married to a fellow Android user. I mean we're all getting spied on but at least Android users get better features and choices on how to be spied on.

Sounds like you prepared a good base to go find something else more challenging to do. Rather than being done just be done with the boring part and get on to the crazy part.

Statistically 50 is getting closer to just halfway so you probably got at least a few good years to make some new stories. I believe in you.

That was their whole gimmick. I bet ya Fred is rolling over in his grave.

ETA: I just checked and none of the ones around me are open past midnight anymore. Lame.

I think it was because they support more of the professional/contractor types and early morning pickups for supply deliveries at like 3, 4 in the morning would be common. They are still open from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. during the week at least some of them are.

One of the funny things about Meijer is that Michigan had some traces of blue laws left and they would rope off the booze aisles from 2:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. but I don't think they have to do that anymore because they changed the laws, probably because of the casinos.

I think my 13 year old is more mature than me so I really don't think age and maturity have a direct correlation.