I tried one for a week and returned it. The hardware is powerful, but the software (mostly Windows) made for an absolutely miserable handheld gaming experience. It was not nearly as seamless as the Deck.

This sounds like an abuse victim rationalizing going back to their abuser. “Of course he’s not going to hit me again, why else would he have apologized and promised not to do it again if he was just going to beat me again.”

You're the one who made it weird by throwing shade at Multiversus to begin with dude.

It has increased because people who are gay now feel like they can be true to themselves instead of needing to hide their sexuality. There’s a reason lots of people “turn gay” when they get to college. And it’s not because of “liberal brainwashing”. It’s because it’s the first time they are able to get away from their judgmental parents and neighbors who would’ve bullied them for being true to themselves.

Is that a new rule or just something that doesn't come up often?

Is that a new rule or just something that doesn't come up often?

Can someone explain what happened at the end of the Manzardo at bat in the 8th inning? Count was 0-2, Manzardo swung, but then he ran for first?

It’s called using context clues. When a Nazi who murdered Jews says he hates Jews, the simple answer is to believe him.

Why are you stretching so hard to defend a literal Nazi?

I wish Qdoba and Hotheads would open closer to me. They're both a 30 minute drive from where I'm at, whereas I have 2 Chipotle within 5 minutes.

And yet you still got disappointing service, which was my point.

They don't really even care about sour cream or cheese. Only thing they will charge extra on is meat and guac, at least at my locations.

The correct portion was always 1 spoonful (non-heaping). They just didn't enforce it much before.

It's because when you order online they're doing the proper portions. When you order at the counter they know you'll balk at those portions and give extra just to keep the customers quiet.

It will. There is a background stat called regeneration that the DM controls. Right now the progress is slower than the regeneration so it regens faster than we can progress. But once the DM lowers regeneration more we will start to gain progress.

It's not "doable" because there's a second primary objective that isn't in the game so even if you extract with all 4 Divers it counts as a fail.

No load out will help you win because the mission is bugged and there is a second primary objective that isn't in the game. So even if you extract it still counts as a loss.

Post your win screen. I've never seen anyone get anything except disappointing service on this map.

That's why it's a "campaign progress" bar and not a liberation bar.

Do you guys even bother to read before you post this? It's not a "liberation %" it's a "campaign progress %".