I'm told he has a still pretty small but bigger than Wen Xu part in Word of Honor in case you didn't know.

Yeah...they need more work! XD

Speaking of more work, can we please find out more about all of these projects, Wang Haoxuan!?


(If you liked his performance at all, he's got a decent amount of work:


Depends on the types of genital mutilation done. There are more severe and less severe types of both. At least according to the research I did years ago anyway.

And one being worse than the other is irrelevant. They're both still a gross violation of bodily integrity rights and genital mutilation.

Also, the person who started routine infant circumcision in the U.S. actually suggested acid to perform FML which is absolutely barbaric and disgusting and just thinking about it makes me wanna bring him back from the dead just to ram a deer antler into his balls, but that may be around the same level of invasiveness as flaying off a large piece of super sensitive skin.

So again using your logic, would this less invasive version of FGM be acceptable since it's not as "bad" as in other places in the world?

Wow, a lot of people don't realize that about ADHDers. You're one of the only people I've seen who gets it. Thanks 😊

Thank you for the correction. Human biology is far from my forte 😅

As someone who has ADHD thus has a tendency to over-think way too much and yet often have plenty to say on the topic, I'm going to have to disagree just from personal experience alone. Not to say every long-winded novel is well thought out but in the very least they're not mutually exclusive.

I dogsat for my brother for about two days which was the longest my big orange boy had gone without me since I got him and when I got home he would not stop going crazy with the cuddles. I could barely even type on my phone for about an hour.

I see your point now and why you brought it up, however I'd just like to clarify that I was purposefully only talking about genitals mutilation since it's not in much if any contention like abortion is.

And while women can do as they wish with their bodies, at least the controversy over that is because the people against it view fetuses as babies that are being killed. There's not even that much of a reason to be breaking the bodily autonomy rights of a baby for cosmetic surgery, especially of their genitals.

At least that's how I see it. No worries if you don't agree.

...are you seriously comparing tiny little pricks to ear cartilage to one of the most sensitive areas of the male body and part of his genitals?

This has got to be bait. I refuse to believe anything else.

...it was that obvious I'm Canadian, huh 💀

Only medically and there's multiple studies that suggest there's little to no medical benefit and and may in fact cause both physical and psychological harm.

So, it's a cosmetic surgery at best.

And by your own logic then parents should be legally allowed to practice FGM as well. Is that what you're playing devil's advocate for too?

And? That doesn't mean you get to just cut off your children's healthy body parts, especially if one sex is protected from it and the other isn't. Protect them both.

Both. The fact it's the genitals makes the lack of consent worse.

You could look into the replies to see if this has already been answered before. :P

But genital mutilation.

Women are protected from that in America while it's legal to do it to a man as a baby, aka long before he can consent therefore it's a violation of bodily autonomy rights.

Thanks once again. You're the best. ♡

u/fetchingfossa hopefully this helps!


Look, I'm sorry you felt attacked or like I was pushing my opinions down your throat. I genuinely didn't mean to come across like you couldn't have an opinion or you weren't allowed to disagree with me. I don't know how you got that imprsssion to be honest but I'm still sorry it happened. It wasn't my intention.

You did genuinely misunderstand my point though. I'm not talking about the importance of the webtoon or what the webtoon version of Gwi Nam did in it.

Maybe a better way to put it would be to say I'm looking at it from a fandom angle?

The webtoon Gwi Nam's popularity and memorability helped the webtoon stay relevant for almost a decade before the show was made then he was vital to the actual drama in many ways, his jacket is all over the place and easily recognizable, et cetera...

Maybe a better way to put it would be to say that–he's the most recognizable character.

He's the one people see and go "oh, that guy from the zombie show" even if they're not an All of Us Are Dead fan. I actually use Gwi Nam when I'm talking about Yoo In Soo and people don't know who he is. I just show them him and they immediately recognize him from exactly where he's from. Gwi Nam was a stand out role.

Please tell me that makes sense? I'm genuinely trying here, but beyond the memorability gained from the webtoon I didn't factor anything from the webtoon itself into my arguments. I just think if a character is partially responsible for keeping a webtoon popular/remembered enough to be made into a drama almost a decade later, that has to count for something in terms of him being a vital character because we genuinely may not have gotten the show without him. And I don't mean that in a "Gwi Nam is the only one that matters" way either. They're all great characters (more or less–some, like Na Yeon and Ms. Park were better in the webtoon imo but it's cool if you disagree of course) and there would be some changes in the show if you replaced most of them. I just don't think Gwi Nam is replaceable at all/I think he's the least replaceable. There's a reason why they kept his iconic jacket.

But even if it doesn't make sense, I really truly am not trying to change your mind nor was I at any point. It just genuinely seemed like you were misunderstanding me and I have a need for people to understand me so if I seemed pushy or argumentative that's what I was actually doing–not trying to change your mind or force my opinion down your throat. Just trying to make myself clear.

I so did not mean to ramble this much, but once again I just want to clearly communicate so hopefully I succeeded this time. Even if I didn't or even if you do understand me and you disagree, that is absolutely fine. All the power to you.

Now can we please drop this and move on?

Edited: clarity

Granted. All the good and skilled mental healthcare professionals leave the country for better paying jobs, leaving behind only average and shitty ones to run the whole system, causing incompetence, excruciating wait times, and just general awful care which you may never get because you could be waiting so long it becomes too late.

I'm actually not only new to MDZS but Chinese media in general so I'm sadly not the person to ask.

u/SnooGoats7476 I'm so sorry for bothering you yet again but you were my first go to thought once I realized idk where else they could get the answer 😅


Believe whatever you want. I sincerely don't care.

The voting is over and the next thread has already started so please just move on instead of trying to continue shit from 18 hours ago.

And I'd like to point out that when we're talking about racial bias in court, we call that out as racism. So why isn't the fact men get punished more than women for the same crime not sexism? 🤔


Again, you're wrong. Please stop lecturing a trans person on their own experience. I know what I live though. I know what plenty of other trans people go through. I'm educated about this topic, thank you.

Anyway, the last thing I'm going to say because I know there's no use discussing this with you is this:

You have no idea what gender dysphoria is and you're spreading misinformation about a vulnerable minority and their medical condition despite the fact that people literally vote on our rights to gain the medical care we need so you are directly harming us.

With that out of the way, I'm gonna slowly back away while wondering wtf the world has come to...

Edit: sent screenshots to my trans friends. We're all dying on the inside...

Yes, it would. That is a physical trait that's almost always a masculine characteristic. You're not going to change biology and how this species has worked for millions of years, no matter how much you hate gender roles.

And facial hair is one tiny physical characteristic. What about genitals? Voice? Smell? Shoulders? Body hair? The list goes on and on. It's impossible to wave a magic wand, make society genderless, and expect gender dysphoria to go away.

Funnily enough, my social dysphoria is incredibly low. My body dysphoria though? It routinely makes me want to claw my skin off and I'm far, far from the only one.

Do you not realize that you're actually implying that being trans is a choice? That we can just choose to be or not to be trans based on how people treat us?

I'm sorry but no, it wouldn't. I don't know what trans people you're talking to, but that's not my experience and many, many others'. I have raging gender dysphoria even when literally nobody is around to observe my gender presentation. It's my body. Our bodies. That's why we physically change them with hormones and surgeries because a large part of gender dysphoria is centered around physical sexual characteristics.

Genital mutilation. Women have legal protection while it's literally legal to violate a man's bodily integrity at birth.

That's at least intersected with people who view fetuses as babies. There's no reason to chop up a baby's dick though considering said baby can't consent and therefore it's a literal legal violation of bodily autonomy rights against an infant. That's worse.

For now and it's still an inequality. Men shouldn't have to sign their lives away just to gain their full rights even if there's a low chance anything will happen. Unless women have to do it too and then by all means, at least it's equal.

Except men and women don't have the same rights in America.

-Women have bodily autonomy rights. Men do not.

-Men have to sign up for the draft to gain their full adult rights like the right to vote. Women do not.

That's just two examples off the top of my head and I am neither American or a cis man.