NQA I have a colony I started and has been going strong for a year. I’m keeping them in a bioactive setup as opposed to the typical egg crates setup. My container has Zilla Jungle Mix, two cork hides (one over the heating pad hot zone and one on the cooler side) and I also have springtails, isopods, and I let a handful of mealworms grow to adult darkling beetles. It seems like this mix of cleaning crew keeps the enclosure clean, and I always have plenty of cleaners to drop in my T’s tanks when needed. I feed the roaches orange slices and apple cores. I tried some “roach chow” but IMO it’s messy and prone to mites.

Now as far as feeders for my T’s, they’re great as long as the T’s pounce as soon as you drop them in. The roaches can be fast, and will quickly dart and burrow, often behind or under places that are hard to get to. I’ve never heard or experienced roaches harming a T, so I’ve just left them in there for my T’s to find them, but you know, do so at your own risk.

Hope this info helps!

Anyone else hear the Bionic Sound from Six Million Dollar Man play in their head during his jump?

I had to include the bonus pic haha.

This is the Zilla Micro Habitat Vertical. $20 on Amazon!

Thanks! The water dish is wrapped in a leaf! Wanted to make it look as natural as possible.


I tried this and got as far as making a new account. Unfortunately you need a CC issued in Japan to be able to use Prime Video.

I sauté them in olive oil with lime, chili powder, cumin, salt, and then mix them with TJ’s Spicy Mexican Style Riced Cauliflower. Throw in a little cheese if you want. 👌

Was going to comment Oceans of Slumber as well, Cammie is just incredible! She could sing Happy Birthday and I’d be entranced.


I took my 4 year old daughter to see it last night and she had an absolute blast!

I honestly think there are some PG rated Disney movies that have darker and more frightening scenes.

This is just bonkers fun, take him!


I’m going to unofficially refer to it as Jörmugandr the world serpent of Norse mythology.



GxK is absolutely BONKERS! A fucking fever dream of kaiju proportions!

Wingard reversed it, GxK is “here’s Kaiju with a peppering of human story”. I really think you could take the human parts out and the story would remain intact. Maybe except for a special kaiju cameo, but considering all the humans that interact with said kaiju are mute I think it would still work. Closest we’ve gotten to a kaiju only film.

Some fans will complain about Godzilla feeling sidelined -and of course you can never have too much of the big guy- but I absolutely loved spending time with Kong. I remember watching Peter Jackson’s King Kong and admiring how much personality they gave to Kong, but GxK lets his personality shine. You get this sense of regality and righteousness with Kong. We haven’t seen a monster give another monster a literal helping hand since Jet Jaguar in the Showa era (not counting the 50th anniversary short film), perhaps due to cheese factor. Here it just works, Kong stands up for the innocent and there will be no injustice in his kingdom.

Godzilla is just an absolute bad ass. Much like in Final Wars, Godzilla is on a mission and you better not find yourself in his way. While I miss his god like portrayal in KOTM, I really enjoy seeing this more ferocious side to Goji in both GvsK and GxK. Godzilla and Kong’s scuffle in Egypt is such treat. Having Godzilla look for Kong off the top of Gibraltar Rock-and I’ve been to the top of the rock my self- is so ridiculous and clever. There’s been talk about the sense of scale missing, but if you’ve seen or know how large these manmade and natural monuments are they make the world of GvK feel like it’s the monster’s playground.

My only gripe is that Scar King and Shimo don’t feel as big as the threat they’re made to be. Scar King is definitely wicked, but he’d be a snack for King Ghidorah. Shimo is massive, but once freed from Scar King’s control, she becomes almost dog like in nature (further pushed by Kong giving her a chin scratch). I think this is more a problem of the exposition given about Scar King as Dr. Andrew’s reads the Iwi ruins. Without that piece of detail, it would just be two monsters that Godzilla and Kong gotta take care of. To be fair though, I can see it being a call back to the Showa and Heisei series where every monster to show up is going to destroy the world, but King Ghidorah remains the ultimate threat so far in the MV in my opinion.

Overall this is a heck of a fun film, made for fans and non fans alike. Wingard understands that we watch Godzilla for the monsters and he delivers!


This is UNREAL. What a time to be a G FAN! Congrats to the -1 VFX Team!!!

There’s enough agreement throughout this thread to make this a popular opinion. I heard a bar band play it while I was in Hawaii last month and it’s a stain on my vacation. Complete Utter Trash. It’s the Olive Garden of songs, the only people who like it are vanilla people with bad taste.


The scratch audio (that is audio before final mixed audio) was actually using Godzilla’s roar. It had something to do with the Godzilla’s/Toho’s copyright. They were allowed to use Godzilla’s likeness as a Parody but not his roar. I was bummed too when I saw the final.