I think it’s my favorite movie. Definitely my favorite horror movie

Didn’t they do something like this on fear factor?

I just started moonstone island and this game is so charming! I love it. It’s a great fusion of games I love and it’s refreshing.

I get unreasonably angry at people who don’t know how to use their turn signals. Last minute blinker is pointless and isn’t a signal. And idiots around here do it like it’s in fashion or something. God I wish there was something I could do to get people to use their signals correctly.

I have a six week old and I decided now is the time to get into Elden Ring. When he contact naps, I play and manage for now. I’m not far though.

I gave it up completely a few months before the due date. Every now and then I get an alcohol free beer for the taste.

I saw one up close in my area. It’s insane how big they are.

The first time I went into the dark zone will never be replicated in another game in my opinion. It was chilling and I didn’t quite know what I was in for.

That funny feeling covered by phoebe bridgers seems to do the trick. And to get him in a good mood it’s been Zach Fox Jesus is the One (I’ve Got Depression)

I really like the poor things score.

God I hate this sub because it just shows how fucking degenerate people are. But I like to constantly be aware of it as well to make sure people haven’t changed.

Such a great episode. Mary should give hollow knight a try. And Dan should give more indies a chance.

Phenomenal game. Just be warned I just hit 104 hours and I still am not finished.

Is peppa pig famously litigious?

Edit: I just realized the joke

I am listening to a podcast that came out a little after the game came out last year and this was a topic for a few minutes haha! She’s a princess in a castle, what does she need links little rinkydink house for?

Yes!! It seems like such a cool premise with elements from games I love.

More persona 5 Royal whenever my newborn decides to sleep

I know during game awards they put a podcast episode out for each giant bomb at night. Does anyone know if they’ll do the same for these?

When we met with our photographer, she asked if it’s ok if she brings a lunch with her and we were like no you can have some food at the wedding. It’s just the right thing to do. She was there for hours with us getting some great shots.

I tend to drop off of playing a game for a few days and start another just to come back to the original game. Is the game welcoming enough to play in spurts? Or is it mechanically dense later in the game? I do have to say how long to beat clocks this at around 25-30 hours which sounds so good compared to what I’m playing right now, persona 5 Royal, where I’m 90 hours into my first play through!

My wife and I just had a newborn so every now and then I get to play a game for a few minutes. Anyways thanks for doing this ama. I’m excited to see the updates for this game and hopefully I can pick it up. I’ll definitely add it to my wishlist. I love when devs do amas.