The way 32 and 42 are formed by the mouth as a whole are completely different. Even with sound off you can see visually that she said 32 as her tongue was clearly between her teeth both times she said it. 42 is formed by the lips and teeth and the tongue is at rest. Talking of course just about the initial sound.

Truly the weirdest thing for her to double down on.

They are all her children. Some are her children by adoption, some biologically.

That being said, she used to post all of them very very frequently. On a cursory glance it seems she’s slowed down on posting all of the kids. I remember way back when though her bio daughter was born and the youngest wasn’t legally adopted. Lots of teeny hearts over faces which has always felt yucky to me in the foster/foster to adopt world.

It truly says a lot that he can not even remember what he did to “deserve” such humiliation and abuse. This is what happens when there is no emotional intelligence and when a caregiver chooses straight up punishment vs consequences that align with the action.

And pinching as a form of punishment? WTF???? That is so absurd I can not even recall ever hearing of that elsewhere.

I was on a first date with a pediatric transplant fellow (aka a surgeon completing speciality training in children’s solid organ transplants) and he asked me “Do you find it weird I’m attracted to you because you look like a teenager?”

I had to visit Jordan for a work trip 8 or so years ago. I’ve been lucky enough to do a lot of traveling but i can’t recall another place that brought me to actual tears with its beauty and history.

I wasn’t even going to go to Petra but I did on a whim and I broke out in tears every corner I turned. I just climbed up high and sat on some steps for hours absorbing it all. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.

Then standing at the Dead Sea and having one of those moments looking across toward The West Bank and Israel realising all the divisions we make between “us” and “them” are not real. We make the division and that false divide creates so much hatred. I’ve only ever felt that way again sitting at the edge of NE India looking down to the plains of Bangladesh and then watching Russian tanks cross the border to the Ukraine as they started their annexation of Crimea.

Found myself living in a SE Asian country well known for lack of food hygiene. Ate out of obligation at a very large mass gathering of people for a religious celebration during monsoon rains. No handwashing station available, who even knows about the plates but yah. Ended up with amoebic dysentery. Went misdiagnosed for several weeks as regular old traveler’s diarrhoea. Started not being able to control my bowels even in my sleep, that’s when I got the proper diagnoses.

My face has never looked the same after losing every ounce of fat I had. So yes, when you travel to certain places if you fuck around with the street food or free food in public gatherings you certainly will find out.

As a past Pediatric ICU nurse, I stand by what I say when I say I’d rather die from an aneurysm than survive one.

Holding in sneezes can also causes retinal detachment and render a person blind in one or both eyes. I met an eye doctor who called it first date syndrome… people go on dates and don’t want to let out a sneeze so they hold it in and blow their retinas.

I mean I definitely yelled out that my asshole was exploding as my first baby crowned. So there’s that. My doctor remained calm and ensured me that my asshole, in fact, was not exploding so we just went on with the business at hand.

Monkeys… here we are like oh the monkeys are out and about again in the neighbourhood, shut the windows, shut the doors before the come in and raid the kitchen. Anyone who visits is just sorely disappointed if they don’t have a monkey experience and absolutely ecstatic if they do.

ETA: I did see one give birth in the parking area of my building many years ago and that was exciting but others what gets tourists super excited is actually a huge nuisance and common occurrence here in India.

There was a Tumblr “blogger” who migrated to IG and was there in the peak of the ED tumblr sphere. I believe her names was Ashley and she had a severe ED, was very into manga, cats, took selfies at target. She claimed a rocky/abusive relationship with her mother and eventually moved out of her mom’s and into an apartment of her own. She was one so deep in her ED one couldn’t fathom how she was still alive. I periodically wonder how she is… has she recovered? Is she still deep in it? Did she eventually succumb to the illness?

Jesus people, heat rash happens when you live somewhere with high heat and humidity. It can happen extremely quickly and takes time to go away. Yes, there have been a lot of questionable/unsafe practices but a child getting a heat rash is not one of them. The only thing snarkable about this is using it to sell a product. Both of my children get heat rashes like clock work once the heat and humidity reach a certain point in the subtropical environment I live in. If everyone screamed child abuse for things like a freaking heat rash then just about every family where I live would be in it with our local child protective services. Calm down and try snarking on what is in control here, using an unfortunate situation to sell a product.

I've been following them since they passed through town where I have family. I feel that they come across as being very responsive and adaptable to the needs of their kids. My only concern is that they haven't posted anything in 2 weeks. I know they were going into a different terrain with less town stops and lack of cell service but I do worry. I hope everyone is doing fine and that they truly are just out of service range.

Yesterday a local toy company here in India @arirotoys reposted a story from a parenting influencer. They had clearly sent her one of their new products, nesting dolls, to have her post about. In her story she proudly wrote that the nesting dolls were made of Ivory and wood and she loved how sustainable the product was. Yes, she said Ivory and Wood was sustainable. I was gagged, so I wrote the company (whom I am a customer of) asking for a correction or clarification. Then I noticed the company had sent the woman a HANDWRITTEN note saying the product was Ivory and Wood. Wtf?! It of course, isn't made of Ivory and Wood but instead is made of Ivory Wood, from a perfectly innocuous tree not the tusks of poached elephants.

I don't know who should be more ashamed and embarrassed, the company for such a huge mistake in their hand written note Or the mom influencer who read that, said "Yup that checks out" and then tacked on that it is sustainable. People will just shill and shill and shill using whatever hot word of the moment without any concious thought whatsoever.

The feeling when I turned the corner out of The Siq and laid eyes on Petra. Every single corner I turned brought me to tears. Absolutely overwhelmed by the depth of the history, the architecture. Indescribable.

Yeah we were lucky if my toddler would wake up at 530 as opposed to 445/5. She only started sleeping later once my younger one was born and her bedtime became later haha! Took me awhile to get used to the early rising but honestly it helped me handle my newborn's nights and mornings so much better because I had been sleep deprived for years haha!

Really wondering where and how solid starts derives their nutrition ratings from. The entry on flaxseed comes with a warning about toxicity but has a 4/5 rating while many if the fruits and veggies have a rating of 2. Regular old green beans has a rating of 2 and also includes a warning about nitrates. But dont worry. Solid starts still recommends that vegetables be a part of our diets despite that. Who is out there thinking vegetables shouldn't be a part of our diet?!!! So not only do they have what seems to be a nonsense rating system of food but they also fear monger throughout their whole catalogue.

I like the idea of a resource on how to safely offer foods based on developmental level but even that is insane for some entries. In the one for carrots, it says right off that whole raw carrots are a major choking hazard. It mentions it several times actually but then also has a huge paragraph encouraging you to let a baby chew on a raw carrot to develop jaw strength, etc. Do it but don't do it but also do it while knowing you're taking a big risk and also trust your baby knows better than to choke.

India. Those who can't pay deliver at home or a government facility where it is basically free so vaginal births are more common there because they are cheaper. Everyone else will choose a private/for profit facility because the government facilities are generally horrifying. Csecs are more profitable and obviously scheduled ones are more controlled. It is a huge issue in this country. I did find a practitioner an hour from our rural home town who safely delivered both of my children vaginally and has also delivered my niece and several friends babies vaginally. He is a rare bird though.

I think the problem is that elective CSecs can be pushed to a point of harm because you can met OBs who haven't attended to a vaginal birth in who knows how long. I live in a country where I was literally told by several doctors "if I have time to let you have a vaginal birth I will. " I was also told "Either way I'm going to cut you so what does it matter? " They were speaking regarding either an episiotomy Or csection. So you know what, the issue is that it can go into a place of harm when scheduled csections without medical indication become the norm and not the exception.

I'm happy it has gone well past its goal. 175k is just a fraction of what they've lost. With that being said, I feel sad knowing the hundreds of families who will not get any level of financial support to start over.

I think Busy Toddler may have given a large donation as well.

My kids both started on the potty at 6 months which is considered late where they were born/my husband is from. I think that is a golden age though. I thought it was a fluke with my first kid, then I had my second who was also a different gender and they still picked it right up at just shy of 6 months. So i would say anything is possible thought it isn't a cultural norm where she is from.

She's just posted today that she feels she went too long off oxygen today and overdid it. I have no words, from what she puts out there, she has had zero lessons learned.

To me it isn't so much that she donated to him because personal politics are personal politics but she donated in the name of Taking Cara Babies!! I'm sure there was some tax motivated decision for that. Greedy people will be greedy. I can't believe she doesn't allow lifetime access. I have both Feeding Little course and you have lifetime access and receive updates etc.

She has what I would say is very severe PPA and probably PPD which is why I supported her 100% in her decision to sleep train. Not that my support matters, because it is her child but I hoped that it would help her get better sleep and a bit less anxious. I noticed her anxiety at the end of her pregnancy then a huge flair with lots of red flags right after delivery which have waxed and waned over the months. I've talked to her husband, my husband and her in blatant terms that she needs mental health support and likely at least short term medication but to no avail. I am on antidepressants and have been for a long time and am very candid about my struggles to try and reduce shame and increase understanding. Sadly we live in a country with very very very limited understanding of mental health so her husband hasn't pushed to get her support. My husband can't force her to see someone and he and I both know she is in no position to take the steps to seek help herself.

Enter TCB, yes the sleep overall is better but WOW has her anxiety shifted to levels of obsession over sleep I didn't anticipate. I'm glad I had that chance to flip through her guide that first day because she uses TCB jargon too like "top of the rollercoaster" and of course "pop ins".