There are couple more options with Dramatic Accusatlon, Extract a Confession, Slice from the Shadows, Rune-brand Juggler, but yea, definitely a short clock if you cant win in the next 3 turns. Kinda busted they don't make it attack to trigger the ability too.

it's definitely Synplant 2 based on the logo and 5 sliders around the circle instead of 4

there can be two versions. one 4-6 min for dj sets and one 3ish cut down for streaming. I think this makes the most sense these days since usually the longer tracks have 60 seconds on both ends for mixing that you wouldn't hear raw in a club anyways and that can be a bit boring when streamed

I would re-ask and share 2-3 songs you feel are bouncy because this could mean a lot of different things. Bouncy bassline? Bouncy overall mix? It could be as simple as specific midi and synth patch or it could be way more nuanced.

also the segment connecting the legs to the main section is shorter in the first image - its a different chair of similar design

I would highly recommend downloading the demo and seeing if you can replicate results with what you own currently. Every plugin will sound a bit different. It really comes down to personal taste and how easily the plugin is to use/ fit into your workflow.

They are called Neurobass sometimes. Many strategies to make them or just find sample packs.

This is an hour video of Mat Zo making some of his

I have a csv of ratings from an Imdb I lost access to. Does it sound possible to modify this to use that data? I have the imdb movie ids. So, I am thinking I can just read that locally instead of requesting it from letterbox. I'm going to try this, but I figured I'd ask in case it sounds impossible

If you're asking on reddit, then you don't believe in it enough.

Find a name you are more confident in where you can say "that's me, i don't care if anyone thinks it's stupid"

Unless you already know specific windows only programs that generate the exact sounds you want, you should be able to find everything you need in Apple machines. Most all mainstream plugins are both OSs now - I would guess somewhere between 95-98%

The artists you reference seem more like they are cutting up samples which doesn't necessarily need many plugins anyways.

Plugin support would not factor. Biggest factors would be budget, personal preference and if you collaborate with other people same system would be easiest to transfer projects.

I've had this issue or something like it before. In my case, it was due to some 3rd party plugin/preset within one of those.

You might be able to look at the error log file and figure out which. When it happened to me, I think it was a VST synth that I narrowed down and I ended up needing to freeze that track to make loading the project easier.

Listen with another person who will do nothing but listen for the whole track. You will be hyper aware of anything that feels boring.

Play the track 'backwards' in 8-16 bar segements. This helps me judge transitions and fills.

Run a playlist and then play your track every hour. Your ears will be tuned into what a good mix sounds like.

Absolutely agree - the concept of him is cool, but overall he is not that interesting to me in the books either

agree you could sell - sub is dangerous without more room treatment. I used to own KRK 8s and and 10s sub, I would now invest in 5-6in woofers and good speaker stands if buying new.

Maybe with max4live pieces, but it would be pretty hard to sound similar with just stock ableton.

Distortion - Saturator is probably the closest thing to the waveshaper, but there are a lot of unique distortion curves in Rift that I don't believe are copyable in Saturator. Maybe use Redux to get some of the bit crushing sounds.

Feedback - you can potentially get close with Delay, but Rift does have midi mapped delay freq and this is the only plugin I've ever seen that in. Could just use the Lite plugin.

Filter - again a lot of custom curves here. Likely would need to use a macro mapped EQ8 to achieve some of them, but thats also a bit of effort and the resonances may be hard to match. Also, could just use the Lite plugin.

Modulation - Pretty creative and modern approach to lfos - I've seen similar possibilities in max4live, but stock Ableton won't have nearly as much modulation that you can add and generate easily like this.

I would also look at Trash2 (the OG goat) and Thermal by Output. Trash2 was free for a bit over the holidays - not sure if it still is

My 2019 i9 held me back big time. Fan noise even messed with my hearing. Preordered M1 max and am in love basically ever since it arrived. I would not delay in an upgrade if you can make it happen