I don’t have an exact monthly expenses because I tend to splurge and buy her things in bulk in one month and not for many months (e.g., clothing, treats, toys, etc) and some thing are on a yearly basis (e.g. vet bills).

One time fee:

When I first got my Min pin puppy, I paid about $400 ish for her. Then spent extra $500-600 on spaying, vaccines/boosters, check ups, and etc. for the initial vet fees. Then I spent about $2000 - 2500 for her set up such as the playpen, dog camera, dog bed/furnitures, toys, clothing, food, treats, dog shampoos, dog spray, teeth cleaning stuff, crate (don’t even use it anymore), potty training stuff, dog holding bags, dog accessories such as collars, harness, pee pad/potty training tools, leash, etc., and other miscellaneous things.

Monthly or yearly maintenance cost/fees: approximately

Main kibbles - about $100 a year (she’s only ~5.6 lbs)

Other food: toppers/canned food - $100 a year

Treats: $20-40 a month

Toys: $20-50 a year

Pee pads: $40- 50 a year

Cleaning (shampoos/sprays/grooming supplies): $20-40 a year

Enzymatic dental treats/toothpaste/water additives: $200-300 a year (I get the ones from the vet - not the over the counter ones)

Supplements: $50-100 a year

Vetadryl (allergy med): $80-100 ish a year (taken as needed)

Yearly vet check up/vaccination: $80-125 depending on what’s needed

Clothing: $300-400 a year (she has a lot of clothing 🥲)

Dog shoes: $20-50 a year

Custom made dog bandanas/scarfs: $80-100 a year

Dog accessories (dog car booster seat, dog bag/carrier, collars, harness, leashes, etc) : $200-400 a year

Pet hotel: $1200 - $2500 per year (depending on the vacation length but it’s about $60 a night and then add ons are extra)

The doctor did mention that she will need a dental cleaning and that will be in the $2000s… 🥹 no other extra vet cost.

The reason for the range is because the first 2 years, I spoiled her a lot and got her a lot of things. I started to slow down on the 3rd year (the lower range).

Thank you for the input! I’m deciding between carnelian or yellow gold now 😆 I wish I can buy them all.

Thank you for this input! I wish I can get the malachite but knowing me, I will break it 😭. I’ll look into carnelian or solid yellow gold.

I would reword your goal to be more:

By (month, year), the (student’s name) will independently write at least six sentences, each with five or more words, on his interests, using accurate spelling and grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions and two settings.

I would go with % accuracy over the % opportunities.

Sub-Target Goals:

  1. Sentence Length

Sub-Goal #1: By (month, year), the student will independently write a sentence containing at least five words, about any topic, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

Sub-Goal #1.5: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about any topic, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

  1. Topic Relevance - specifically student’s interest

Sub-Goal #2: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about his interests, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

  1. Spelling Accuracy

Sub Goal #3: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about his interests, using accurate spelling with the aid of a dictionary when necessary, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

  1. Grammar Accuracy

Sub Goal #4: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about his interests, using proper grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

  1. Spelling and Grammar Accuracy: Combining Sub-Target Goals

Sub Goal #5: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about his interests, using accurate spelling and proper grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

Transition to Main Goal:

  1. Generalization Across Settings

Main Goal: By (month, year), the student will independently write six sentences, each containing at least five words, about his interests, using accurate spelling and proper grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions and in two different settings.



Task analysis: Break it down into specific sub-targets, utilizing task analysis to ensure the student masters each component step-by-step.

Main Goal: By (month, year), (student's name) will follow a task analysis to independently write at least six sentences, each with five or more words, on his interests, using accurate spelling and grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions and in two different settings.

Sub-Target Goals with Task Analysis:

  1. Sentence Structure (5 words or more sentences)

Sub Goal #1: By (month, year), (student's name) will independently write sentences with at least five words on any topic/interest, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

Task Analysis: 1. Choose a topic or interest. 2. Think of a sentence with at least five words. 3. Write the sentence. 4. Check if the sentence has at least five words.

  1. Spelling Accuracy

Sub Goal #2: By (month, year), (student's name) will use a dictionary or spell-check tool to write sentences with accurate spelling, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

Task Analysis: 1. Write a sentence about an interest. 2. Use a dictionary or spell-check to check each word. 3. Correct any misspelled words. 4. Write the final sentence with correct spelling.

  1. Grammar Accuracy

Sub Goal #3: By (month, year), (student's name) will write sentences using proper grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions.

Task Analysis: 1. Write a sentence about an interest. 2. Review the sentence for grammatical correctness (subject-verb agreement, punctuation, etc.). 3. Correct any grammatical errors. 4. Write the final sentence with correct grammar.

  1. Combining Spelling and Grammar Accuracy + Generalization

Main Goal: By (month, year), (student's name) will follow a task analysis to independently write at least six sentences, each with five or more words, on his interests, using accurate spelling and grammar, with 80% accuracy across five consecutive sessions and in two different settings.

Task Analysis: Setting # 1 / #2 1. Write a sentence about an interest. 2. Use a dictionary or spell-check for spelling. 3. Review the sentence for grammar. 4. Correct any spelling and grammatical errors. 5. Write the final sentence with correct spelling and grammar. 6. In setting #1 and setting #2

————- Note: Make sure to check because the funding source may reject this goal if it’s too “academic / school”

How to set up your goal for your techs in the instruction page:

  1. Main goal
  2. Data collection method
  3. Examples and non-examples of the goal in various contexts and situations
  4. Directions on how to run this goal
  5. Teaching procedures
  6. Example SDs
  7. Prompt hierarchy with examples (e.g. is it most to least ? And with each prompt hierarchy provide specific examples of what is considered a gestural prompt, modeling, verbal prompt, etc.)
  8. Anything else?

Depending on the student’s repertoire, you could introduce the sub target goals to build the pre-requisite skills. Hope these examples helped.

Wow I thought it would take few months or years. That’s pretty impressive!

Damn, I wonder how long it takes to learn how to do this. It looks pretty complicated.

My dad has a phd in catalytic chemistry and some engineering (?) I forgot. Super smart guy. He went into academia and did research/taught at one the Korea’s top universities (e.g., Seoul, Korea, Yonsei) and then quit academia to start his own business (related to chemistry/science related). He said you can’t make money in academia, so he started his own business (in his own personal experience/opinion). And he made a pretty good income/investments. When he was nearing his retirement, he went into consulting or worked in the upper management for other company/business overseas.

In the US, I know few people with chemistry or related science background (masters/phds) with low to high six figure salaries. Upon graduation, they went straight to industry jobs (their PIs were sad that they didn’t go into academia though 🥲).

I think in whatever field you end up, it’s also what you make of it as well.

But not everyone is business/financially savvy. You can go into industry route/sales route and find higher income opportunities there (or consulting / upper management). But most high salary will require masters/phd nowadays.

My dog when she was a puppy, she would poop 5-8 times a day.

She’s almost 3 years old, she poops 4-6 times a day. 😵‍💫

She’s a miniature pinscher and weighs 5.2 lbs. I honestly don’t know how she can poop so much in that tiny body of hers.

Pet hotels. Usually my relatives are able to watch my dog when I go on vacations. But every family / relatives all traveled at the same time last year 🥲 so 1.5 week and 2 weeks of doggie hotel costs like $54 minimum a day (or more depending on the add-ons) = approx. 3.5 weeks of doggie hotel expenses.

And vet bills. Got quoted $1400 - 2500 for a teeth cleaning 😵‍💫.

Adjustable bed (with a massager) and a good mattress.

Honestly, I would not buy 50k car on a 70k gross (or net) salary. That’s about 71.43% of your gross salary.

Depending on which state you live in, your net could be approximately $52,335 (this is based off of CA). That’s approximately 95.54% of your net income.

At age 26 and living with your family, paying $600 a month in rent is pretty awesome money savings right there at your age (versus the cost of renting/living by yourself).

Overall, I say keep your current car until necessary repairs arise or its mileage is maximized. This allows you to allocate more funds towards savings, whether for a home, retirement, or investments. With the advantage of affordable rent at $600 per month, it's more strategic to capitalize on this opportunity to build wealth through compounded interest and secure your financial future before considering “luxury” expenses.

It sounds like you don’t necessarily“need” it right now but just “want” it right now. Contemplate on your needs and wants. Then rationalize based on your current finances. Prioritize your future first, then splurge in comfort/luxuries.

Other things you can think about to help with your rationalizing (you don’t have to answer lol):

have you factored in the total cost of ownership such as maintenance, insurance, emergency, repairs, gas, etc. associated with owning the car (cost over time)? Is this going to be your daily? Do you have other debts? Other cost prohibitive barriers?

But…………… if you REALLY want it and everything I said previously went out the door. Just. Buy. It. No. Regrets (or regret later). I am playing the devil’s advocate.

Honestly, it is a nice/cool car. If I could drive a stick, I would drive it instead and give my husband my car instead. 😭😂😆 But seriously, jokes aside, I don’t think 50k car on a 70k income is a good financial move (and you have a paid off car, less depreciating asset debt to think about for a long while).

I have done many micro needling and “vampire” facials. That is definitely not normal.

I hope your face is not scarred or those marks don’t leave permanent scarring.

I remember doing Kumon growing up. Hated it. As I grew older, it became harder for my mom to “force” me to do the Kumon worksheets.

Fast forward to adulthood, I came back home from the university during a winter break. My mom brought out bunch of boxes. She had the firewood ready for the fireplace. She would then grab the “papers” from box to start the initial fire to keep the wood burning. 🔥

Turns out, the “papers” she was burning were my old Kumon worksheets that my sister and I refused to do as we grew older and older 😂😂.

I’m sorry but this cracked me up so much 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

did she end up singing? 😆