I work at the mall. Aside from the shit pay I absolutely love my job. I get to help women feel beautiful on the inside and I am great at it. However retail is a shit show and it can be super tough sometimes. Ive been working a 6 day stretch. Im on day 5. My foot is injured ( I have plantar fascitis or however you spell it) and this morning my lovely monthly friend came to visit so my stomach is cramped, my back hurts, my brain is not working and I get to go do 8 hours today. At the mall on a Saturday. Please send help. Im loaded up with water, ibuprofen , a cane, a boot and snacks. IDK if Im going to make it mentally today though...On the plus side its graduation weekend so hopefully we wont be too busy and it will go by extra fast. Fingers crossed. Have a great weekend bromos. I know you all understand! :)