Quit trying to find reasons to get upset at things and learn to think for yourself. Does it upset you? If so, why? And does it really affect your life? Coming to Reddit to justify you being upset over something so minor is just icky.

Z is a C and tell C you don't want to train with her. Tell Coach if you have to.

I'm actually just curious how it's possible to have something this blurry today. Is there a filter "just fuck my shit up"

Damn she could be cute too

Do you plan on staying there? If not, my opinion is no.

Share 1, I have two personal ones, and she has her own personal one. We share a credit card too

Is the hot chick in a bikini in the room with us now?

Knew where this was going. Couldn't watch

Yes. They keep the elevator company honest.. make sure you're getting everything you paid for. It's for sure worth it if you don't know what you're looking at in my opinion.

Hell yeah bro great questions please check this link! https://www.reddit.com/r/Elevators/s/ZebxzvXVNY

Light a fire for a friend, keep them warm that night. Light a friend on fire, keep them warm for the rest of their life.

A brand new blue belt from my gym smoked a blue belt with 96 wins in a tournament. Twice cause it was a double elimination weird tournament.

Havalon does this.. I like their knives. Been using them for years

You paid for a recall issue?


If you don't say born and raised I don't believe you're from here... You alllllllll say that

Lol y'all are soft. Literally everyone else I've said that to laughs and agrees. Sometimes I forget this is reddit and not normal people and how sensitive you are.. sorryyy

I'm about to start accusing them all of stealing

Eh hem.. don't you mean less than 20% are "born and raised"?