
while he framed it poorly, he was right: Koana is a much better actual leader than Wuk Lamat. you can give her some props for knowing she sucks at this part of leading, which is why she suggested the duo leadership role, but he also has a point. the literal first thing she does, after her city was attacked and devastated, is to try and hunt down Zooral Ja instead of making sure that her nation is safe and secure instead of letting her trusted advisors (the Scions) handle that part and coming in later.

if anything Koana should be higher because of what he's done.

tbh, it was pretty obvious. Queen of Alexandria, the whole electrope thing, etc.

2112 on 2112 by Rush.

kinda cheating, but hey.

that just reminds me that I need to farm Vanguard for the armor. it's so good.

I have (many) problems with the story, but, the music always slaps hard. no complaints here. Soken been cooking like usual.

tbh, the problem isn't even that he's fat. it's that everything else about him is just fucking ugly. like, holy shit. it's like they went out of their way to make the most unappealing outfit imaginable. just look at characters like Zangief, Bob, Hakan, etc.

my advice is to figure out what class you want to play, and start familiarizing yourself with it's buttons again and start back on the main scenario grind.

tbh, i'm in the camp of being frustrated with healer design, but at the same time, i still enjoy playing a healer. they should look at WoW for inspiration for healers. every WoW healer plays completely differently and they have more than a single DoT, a single nuke, and a button or two to press for more damage.

i know that healing was, apparently, "too stressful" at one point, but they went too far in one direction. i haven't done the EX's yet (but i've heard they're really good), but, for the past several expansions, healers are basically irrelevant because of how the damage patterns are.

focus on doing damage, first and foremost. keeping a tank alive that plays properly is child's play, and in dungeons, 90% of the damage is going to be focused on the tank, which is great for AST because of Essential Dignity and the fact that every card but Balance/Spear can just be chunked on the tank.

don't worry about "failing" people. shit happens, and if anyone gets mad at you, just mute/report (depending on the severity) them and move on.

i agree wholeheartedly. i think Zenos overstayed his welcome in EW, and i disliked his character immensely, but even then, i didn't think he was terrible. he was just a regular, boring, bad character with one dimensional motivations.

Wuk Lamat just made every single scene worse for her being there. she feels like some writers Mary Sue OC self-insert. i hope that the patch MSQ content just completely writes her out of the story... but somehow, i really doubt that'll happen.

Personally, I was fine with the saturday-morning-cartoon level writing for the first half of the story

honestly, i'm fine with that writing. i mean, the role quests, at least the ones i've done, are basically Saturday morning cartoon villains and i'm really enjoying it... unlike the main scenario. Wuk Lamat exists and just basically sucks all the attention to herself at the expensive of everyone else.

that annoyed me so fucking much. i was hoping that they'd just return the cards to how they were during HW/SB, and instead, the only two cards that matter are Balance/Spear.

vaporean can sweep Leon's entire team.

also Meowscarada in Gen 8?


i'm not done with the story yet (i just got the texas), and at the beginning, i thought she was awkward and kind of endearing in a dumb as bricks shonen anime protagonist kinda way. i figured she'd get a glow-up as she travels and learns lessons and... nope. she learns absolutely fucking nothing and just barrels her way through the story with the power of friendship bullshit and talk no jutsu. i mean, she has fucking dinner with two races that've been fighting for a century and it fixes it magically in a night.

she could've done the entire adventure alone and nothing would've changed. basically no one contributed anything, least of all the WoL. she acts like she's so incredibly close to the WoL, but if you replaced us with a cardboard cutout, we'd have about the same impact on the story.

she's the worst example of a Mary Sue. she might be slightly more bearable if she had decent VA, but, her voice actor missed the mark in basically every scene. i mean, when she became Dawnservant, she was supposed to sound excited, but she was just... straining to talk slightly above a normal tone of voice. she has zero redeemable factors.

Wuk Lamat has made me, for the first time in 10 years, to skip certain main story cutscenes just because i just hate her that much. this expansion is basically the writers self-insert OC Mary Sue solving everyone's problems effortlessly.

i really hope for 7.1 they just cut Wuk Lamat out of the story completely... but i have a feeling Wuk Lamat is going to insert herself into everything for this entire expansion.

so far, the biggest redeeming factor, for a FFXIV expansion, has been the encounters are all really good. if they keep this up with the raids...

it's usually a mix of pentamelded crafted gear and normal raid gear for BiS, but honestly, normal raid gear + tomestone gear is more than enough. the people who push for pentamelded crafted gear are usually the dudes trying to get to the end of the raid in a few days.

yeah, i remember when she got promoted to dawnservant, she was trying to sound all excited and happy... and she just fell flat on her face.

honestly, the Sharlayan super science/magic shit doesn't bug me that much, but holy shit, the power of friendship stuff... I've actually started skipping non-important msq cutscenes because of this crap. people point out Naruto or Luffy as other "power of friendship" protagonists, but holy hell, they were never this bad at their worst moments. it also helped they were also 100x more interesting.

I've never skipped an msq quest, even in the post-EW stuff which I didn't enjoy nearly as much. DT is a first.


why can't you critique her voice? her voice acting is bad when she wants to show any emotion. if it's normal speaking, she sounds fine, but the second there needs to be any emotion, her voice acting just falls flat on it's face.

that said, with the other voices, so far, i think they're fine; it's just the dialogue is... not the greatest it's been. i'm at Level 95 MSQ, so, i haven't seen everything, but so far, everyone else has been fine.

yeah, that's one of my problems with the story. the outline, the general plot points (at least up until the 95 stuff) are good. however, the characters are just... not there. they really dropped the ball with the writing and dialogue; even established characters with personalities just felt flat. that's not even to mention how the WoL could've been replaced with a cardboard cutout... and nothing would change.

and the best part is that even Naruto wasn't dumb enough to believe that everything could be solved peacefully. he knew that some people just needed to be fucking bitch-slapped.

honestly, the actual story itself is fine, even pretty good where i'm at (msq 95), but, holy shit, Wuk Lamat just drags it all down with her shonen protagonist "power of friendship and love!1!1!!" crap... and the worst part is? she hasn't even really grown as a character.


"Well duh, obviously all these people hate Dawntrail! They are transphobes and Wuk is voiced by a trans-woman so obviously they were going to hate it!" - even though nobody mentioned anything like that in their critique.

this was the wildest one for me. i didn't even know about her being voiced by a trans person until like, yesterday when i stumbled across it. tbh, i just hate her fucking shonen protag, "the power of love and friendship!!1!" bullshit she's always spouting. maybe it gets better, but so far, i'm halway thru and she's just... not growing on me.

I hate that so much. can we just have SB cards back? SB was peak AST for me.

lmao, fr. you give one card to a DPS and the other two just... don't matter.