Run before they start marching towards you.

I do too. The only time I ever saw one was last year. Really cool little bird. Very striking when they fly.

Yeah sorry, I should have explained better. So you can't find a similar prius in the range of your settlement. If all the comparable cars are more expensive then they gave you a settlement for less than the value of your car. I think you may have an issue with the insurance company. They may give you a bunch of jargon but you can ask them about their valuation. Take a look on some valuation sites too and see if you can support more value for your car.

Your insurance company should be insuring you for the value of the car. When I totaled my prius I got one 3 years newer and made $100 on the deal.

Advice: Never turn your back if you suspect your being stalked.

If she believes the grapes are larger it could also be a beta grape. I believe was a cross of a concord and a wild grape.

Yes they are. It has modest yellow flowers and the leaves are beautiful. Mine were very sensitive to high heat. The planting instructions were for a cool waterside planting.

  • Alex you are in fact a bat/dog. 50/50

Bric and Brac. ( the disaster pac)

Oooooh you're gonna pay for that!

Its also a lot of fun to see someone go under and wedge there leg between the ground and the support frame. Snapped like a twig.

Why is one leg bigger? Does she run around in circles?