Absolutely NTA. OP - you sound like the type of friend who gives every friendship 100%, so I suspect it can hurt a great deal when you don’t get the same level of care or concern back from people you thought you had a mutual connection with. My husband is like this, he is so tuned in to what’s going on in everyone else’s life and truly cares deeply about people he considers friends. He’s incredibly considerate of others, to the point where not having that consideration reciprocated at even a fraction of what he’s put out can really hurt his feelings. The first time I witnessed this happening to him, I told him something an old friend of mine said to me when we were discussing a similar occurrence with a mutual friend: just like romantic relationships, sometimes platonic relationships run their course, and it’s okay to realize you are no longer compatible with another human being for any number of reasons. Sometimes that reason is realizing you are more invested in the friendship than the other person, and that is hard to maintain when only one person is putting in effort. Sometimes you learn your ideologies on basic human decency do not align, and it’s okay to not continue your friendship with them. Yes, it can hurt to have a friendship (or any relationship) end, and it can often feel like failure because society makes it seem like any relationship beyond being acquaintances is somehow supposed to be eternal, but that doesn’t mean you should keep someone in your life who has so little consideration for you - especially if mutual consideration is extremely important to you in a friendship (as it should be, otherwise what is the point?).

When a “friend” tells you that you are overreacting to something they did that legitimately hurt you, it’s just another way of them telling you that your needs don’t matter to them, and your friendship is only important to them for how it benefits them. That’s not friend behavior, and you don’t owe them anything more than what they’ve offered you (you actually owe them nothing). She offered no support in your time of need, and so (without coming close to even setting foot in A H territory) you are well within your rights to show her the same level of concern.


I see you there 😉

If you’ve never seen Midnight Run, I highly suggest you watch it.

“This is my pet hippo, and this is my hippo’s pet void.”

Representation. Marshmallow used to be voiced by Dave Herman who is a white cisgender heterosexual man, and now Marshmallow is voiced by Jari Jones who is a Black trans woman.

No, you’re right - Bill Hader was more “Mickey” than Loren Bouchard. I suppose Loren Bouchard probably started doing Mickey because of scheduling conflicts? But I think it’s weird that Bill Hader still does Big Bob and not Mickey…

I do appreciate that Bob’s Burgers does a decent job of finding replacement voice actors who actually sound pretty darn close to the original character voice in the few instances they’ve had to replace the original actors. Loren Bouchard isn’t 100% spot on, but it took me a bit to realize it wasn’t Bill Hader anymore. And I’m not sure I’d even have noticed Jimmy Pesto was a new voice actor if it hadn’t been an actual news story due to the original actor’s Jan 6th involvement. Marshmallow is the only outlier, but I think it was a conscious decision to let her new VA make the character their own.

“This is my favorite tail… I’m indifferent to attached doggo.”

Ben Schwartz does the voice of Josh from the performing arts school.

Partassipant [1]

That kinda sounds like your cousin and wife just tried to set appropriate boundaries about acceptable behavior when your aunt and uncle are around their grandchild. Aunt and uncle didn’t like that they were called out on poor decision making around a literal baby, and are throwing a massive temper tantrum that at best means they are (willingly) missing their grandchild’s 1st birthday, and at worst possibly alienate them from that grandchild’s life forever?

Yeah absolutely NTA for supporting your cousin and family and attending the party. If your aunt and uncle are willing to go scorched earth over something like being asked to respect someone else’s parenting rules in regards to that person’s own child (especially when it seems like they are 100% in the wrong) - and decide to go NC with you or anyone else who attends a 1 year old’s birthday party - then absolutely good riddance, because they sound exhausting and are hopefully over estimating their own importance within the rest of your extended family’s lives.

It’s all fun and games until the cat shaped dogs start doing the tricks without actually being given the command and then just expect the reward because “look, I did the thing and we had a deal.” It’s the only time they really act like cats.

🤔 have you considered counterbalancing with a cat shaped dog? Might I suggest something in a British Shorthair cat, or perhaps a Ragdoll?

We don’t call her “Boss” for nothing.

One of my cats will only go under the covers if I lie on my back and bend my knees so they are pointing towards the ceiling, feet flat on the mattress, with about 10-12” of space between my butt and heels. She will then crawl under the blanket and sit under my legs, we call it “tenting”. The blankets are not allowed to touch her, or she will leave. She’s allowed to lean into my legs or butt, but if I accidentally brush up against her, she will leave. I am allowed to pet her under the chin exactly 3 times, anymore than that, she will leave. If I adjust the blanket at all, even if it doesn’t touch her, she will leave. She’s a menace and I love her.

Thank you, that was better than I could have hoped for.

Ew. Why did I immediately picture Vladimir Putin riding a bear shirtless 🤮.

I’m gonna need visual documentation of a Wookie holding a lightsaber as a brain palate cleanser please.

“Gentlemans” is the icing on the cupcake of stupidity that is the original post.

I can’t even type it without it being autocorrected, which to me adds a whole extra level of irony to this post - like I imagine this jackass was so certain he was right about everything he was trying to convey, he blatantly ignored autocorrect and the squiggly red underline indicating he was in fact wrong…