By 50 cents 😂😂😂 what a deal

It is all just a means of control to her. She is using god and religion and church as fluff but the underline here is she wants to control him and doesn’t accept that he is his own man.

I live in Chicago and I feel safer in DC when I go. I live in South Loop, I walk to work and you just always have to be alert. It is exhausting.

I just watched it and it is so tone deaf, I never ever want to attract male attention on my runs. Also the outfit is meh

Yeah also depends on what the MOQs are (min order quantity) at the factory where she orders it from

I have seen people run marathons in her apparel. Maybe they were her ambassadors? I just unfollowed her and her brand, but when I did follow her she always claimed it sold out, and would post IG stories of how many orders she was getting (showing the packages going out)

I ran Boston and it was hot and sunny with very little cloud coverage. If it is hot I’m fine with it as long as it is not sunny (which it won’t be). You can also pre-load on sodium if you are worried, I did that before Boston and it worked great!

I like this! I wonder if there will be a participation T-shirt too?

Gave up on their podcast as well! All the Olli Pop ads were bothering me, and then everyone posting on IG that they were influenced by Des and Kara to drink this soda and them reposting 😐

Ran here to see if anyone posted anything about camp Strava here 😂 also dark mode like come on that’s your big news 😂

Membership is the way to go/save. Once you become a regular you will get discounts

My husband and I had our documents checked at the Milan train station when we got off the train from Venice back in 2019. 4 large army men with machine guns surrounded us. When I pulled out our passports they looked at them and the main guy was like “oh you are American” and let us go. I always carry our passports on me when we travel to Europe.

I think the show is so much better than the book honestly and easier to follow because they visualize all these crazy concepts

I heard book 1 is good, book 2 is great and book 3 is amazing. Also apparently there is a book 4 (fan fiction) that the author himself considers a part of the books. I hope book 3 turns it around for me!

Just finished Gone Tonight by Sarah Pekkanen and liked it. Also finished book 2 of the Three Body trilogy and that book was dragging. I will finish the trilogy but omg it is painful. Started The Ruins today too.

Maybe you will like it better than I did, it tasted weirdly sweet. I went for the flavor that is new and was disappointed. I will try grapefruit today! I’m glad it is a variety pack! I still drank all of it because it was right after the run and I was thirsty but wouldn’t be my first choice of hydration

I got one and the cherry lime is nasty 🤢 they sent me hot chocolate package over the winter too (small sample one - nothing to rave about). The sparkling water is coming out on 5/7 curious to see how much it is going to cost

I think it is nice for her to train at elevation and all but is she ever going to get fast enough for elite? What is her end goal with running? I find that confusing. she mentioned she wants to PR every race. I’m think her goal is to keep growing her brand and more $$$

I would definitely say give it a shot! As sci-fi as it is it does touch on a lot of human issues and narratives! I think you will like it!

Some boys that are probably using her bikini photos for you know what

Currently reading The Dark Forest (book 2 in the 3 body problem trilogy) and it is interesting but just okay. Also since reading the first book on my Nook (I have an OG from 2009 that still works) and it needs charging sometimes I’m reading Gone Tonight by Sarah Pekkanen. I normally don’t read 2 books at the same time but this is my exception. So far really like Gone Tonight