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I saw that! Maybe Hank is really into real estate haha

Oh well shit. That’s not ideal 😬

I hope that this was a while ago and overall you’re better! (At least physically) Bc That seriously sucks that you had to go through that, i feel really bad for you :/

I get that, but it’s not really about the label, but more of the fact that what the label represents is having a serious affect on my life as a whole. Which is no bueno

Like if you’re bleeding out, you’d generally want to look into putting turniquet, pressure, or like a bandaid or something on the wound to fix or at least make it better. Knowing that it’s called bleeding or that I am, doesn’t really help, I just want to make myself not bleed out. If that analogy makes sense idk

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Oh wtf I just checked mine and it says nothing on it. So weird

I feel like you or I should email hank and post about his response, I’ll be pondering about it for a while if I don’t find out!

Also there’s nothing necessarily bad about the sst20 5000k (ok maybe there is), it’s got it’s uses! (As a cheap green led when you can’t find a proper green led like on of those osrams)

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It’s weird cuz my phone autocorrected it (recently got it, so nothing saved, and I don’t think I’ve even even seen that word in my life for that matter), and I also googled it and the definitions do not make any sense at all in is content. Some kind of typo would make sense ya

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I haven’t seen any batteries that can be safely charged at over 3a

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That’s because it draws quite a bit of power. ~12a max, so even the included charger is barely enough

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What cct? I saw someone at the Texas flashlight club meet in January had swapped it to I think these LEDs in 7000k, which I thought was kinda cool. u/bullst(something)dvm (I forgot the name 😭)

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Wait what is Quinta? Is that a special request or do they all say that (I can’t check mine rn to see if it says that lol)

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Is that a fire truck what is that?

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Ngl, I do that with mine 😭

relatable :D..... relatable?! D:

Does that just add a tag at the end of your search or something? I can’t wait for it to be turned into a Firefox extension lol

James channel - an alternate universe version of dankpods

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Pffff, maybe? But it would certainly be a task.

Theoretically, you might be able to, but the drivers might be different sizes and shapes, and the ts11’s switch won’t fit in place of the if22a’s switch

However, they do use the same tir and led, so if you want 21700 runtimes, you could make a toob that fits a 21700 with the same threads as the ts11. That I don’t think would be that hard to do if you have access to a lathe or something

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I’ve also got a zoomed from a family member and I think it would be sick if I swapped the led for one of those deep blue osrams

Just gotta be careful because they don’t have thermal protection and it’s also a bad thermal pathway, so the led might heat up lots and cook, but you may not feel it immediately

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If you don’t mind a low cri cool white and unfiltered uv, the olight arkfield pro has been with me quite a bit Recently, i really like the form factor

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They are kinda cool to mod, and it’s also a good reference point for what a β€œβ€good”” flashlight is to a muggle

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Basically the same light, but the ts11 has anduril and aux (unless you get the ts11s) and a smaller battery

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The wurkkos ts11 seems just about perfect for you! Especially with the longer 18650 toob for extra battery life (but less pocketability). Actually you can swap it’s toob and the fc11’s toob if you have that

It’s really good for medium to semi far ranges, has a usb c port, has a tir so you can see the ground below you, and has rgb aux LEDs which just look awesome! It’s a good price too actually

I’m just a guy on the internet and like to help

Who’s also really good at picking locks! (Or so I hear)

But yeah I will definitely check that out! Hopefully your irl stuff is all sorted out well

I just saw the flair, then saw your username 😳 I’m honoured to have you helping me out with this!

This is very helpful, I’m definitely saving your comments for later so I can remember. Thanks a bunch man!

Since the genesis kit shipping is pretty dang β€˜spensive to here (that would be 61$ cad total!), I think I’m just gonna get that at some point soon, and find a lock I can practice with

Do you have any tips on practicing, or in general? I’ve used a friend’s pick set a couple times, but I could never really get the hang of it