Bring on another decade of darkness baby

No it would be the best fertilizer money couldn't buy! It would be so full of shite

I just want their tears for my lawn and garden. Cmon boys be good neighbors and cry on my poor trees they're thirsty.

Send those moss pit tears down here for my dusty ass lawn!

Problem with daily alerts is people will just tune them out. You have to save those to initially get their attention. Sending constant alerts will end up having the cry wolf effect

Problem with daily alerts is people will just tune them out. You have to save those to initially get their attention. Sending constant alerts will end up having the cry wolf effect

I think they need to do a blitz at these quarries for unproperly secured loads. The number of trucks showering the road with rocks is ridiculous. I am sure most are overweight, or their tarps are so shredded that they do nothing.

It's clearly an invitation to come and get some!

Ok well the original fuck you comment got deleted. My beef was with the blanket insult and lack of nuance. Blind party politics helps nothing. Be a person not a colour or brand.

Kevin Van Tighem,Samir Kayande, Tzeporah Berman, you can look them up. 3 examples off the top of my head. Berman wasn't an MLA but hired as an adviser and paid handsomely.

I am not in disagreement with keeping parties out of municipal politics. More the rude blanket statement of fuck you if you didn't vote for my guy.

No that's a blanket statement. When I go into the office I will find my list of candidates who were less than pro oil and gas. Remember zeporah Berman (spelling is wrong but I am not looking her up again) bc I do. That's one example off the top of my head as I get ready to go to sleep.

What that's it? Report me for a reddit suicide hotline is all you got? Nothing more than to take pur zombie lords name in vain? How dare you, Allah smite thee sinner.

I was being honest. I am a swing voter, I have no political alliance. Unfortunately I do have my own best interest in mind and pyramid of needs. I am aware of my bias, opportunities, and hardships. I am not perfect but I try. Guess what I am a landlord and I do rent out my property well below market value. It's my first home and I took a risk on my future by saving and hoping I can rent it out. I am selective who I rent to and when my costs go up we have an adult conversation about it. It's called negotiation. You give and take. Try it one day.

Fuck you too, at some point it's the lesser of two evils and the ndp had too many candidates that wanted to kill the o&g industry as a whole. I begrudgingly voted the way I did out of the interest of my employment. I hate all the socon TBA factions of this party as much as the next person. I was on the fence even election day, but the ndp failed to convince me this time. I hope naheed ate some humble pie and learned why he got elected in 2009. Set the ego aside and don't be an arrogant, smartest person in the room type of leader. He can, he has, and I hope he remembers his roots and why he wore purple. I loved him, hated him, and am willing to hear him out.

I vaguely remember walking home in my ginch with my mud soaked jeans thrown over my shoulder when the police stopped me the second I stepped onto the public road. I puked, I rallied and I don't remember....

I hope you find a spot and do well. I look forward to seeing you in the future. You got this! The links above cover what I would have recommended.

The city that sounds like it smells

If you show up at the west entrance by the time doors open you will be fine. You could line up prior to but it's probably unnecessary.

Okay, back up and remember who called the mayor Jyoti Gondek to discuss the original deal falling apart over the Christmas holidays. Also, remember who refused and ultimately got the deal canceled. Sharp was handed a turd and polished it. It wasn't her turd, but she salvaged it, fed it biddy and turned it into Bono. Yes, the current deal sucks but when you're backed into a corner by one person who can not play nice with others, you do what you can. This is a calgary mayor problem. Nenshi was not allowed/cut off at the table. His successor was also for the same ego issues. Place the blame where it belongs, the one who shit in the urinal, not the janitor who cleans it.

If this is true, it should be reported to the media! First I heard of it.