Well, the point of the One DnD is that it's "backwards compatible" with the existing rules, so you'd have to enforce not using the 2014 bladesinger in the build.

And yeah, I'd dip the bladesinger sometime after level 11 when the hit modifiers of enemies becomes a problem. Hard to say without taking it out of a theory vaccuum, depends on how things like weapon masteries synergize. could be done after level 6 or so if the party lacks another frontline.

Cheers, happy to help whenever I can.

I do like how you've worded things to avoid balance issues with dipping into this subclass, although dipping out of Elementalist into something like Bladesinger gives an enormous amount of survivability with +INT to AC and concentration checks. Could take something like Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Absorb Elements, and Find Familiar for a huge boost in utility, mobility, and survivability to make yourself a nightmare for any DM to deal with. It's only a 2 level dip, wouldn't even lose out on the subclass capstone.

monks and barbarians

Monks really only need to focus DEX and WIS which scale their AC, damage, and saving throws.

Barbarians have to focus STR for damage, and DEX+CON for AC and hit point pool, balance that with feats VS ASI to accomplish that goal.

Meanwhile, non-armor based casters like sorcs and wizards do the best they can with AC and rely on spells for survivability. Blur, Mirror Image, Shield, Absorb Elements, Invisibility (and eventually Greater Invis), Fly, teleports like misty/thunderstep and dimension door, etc. All available for Gish builds.

Take that away by making them fighters, but not improving their AC makes it more challenging to justify staying in melee range, if not impossible at higher levels. 1-2d8 Temp HP per turn won't mean much if a monster is dealing 30-50 damage per round with a to hit modifier so high that they can't miss. Giving them access to Light armor means that with +3 studded leather they're at least at a 21 AC with +5 dexterity putting them more in line with similar fighters of the same level.

I mean, the DM can do whatever they want but DEX is already an overpowered stat that most people stack because STR is nearly useless. No reason to make it stronger than it already is.

For Mesmer mediums seemed reasonable to me already as I do view them with a bit more leathery attire, at least compared to Elementalist. So no Heavy seemed the best way to portray that.

In DnD5e the light armor is leather and padded cloth, the medium armor is nearly entirely metal based with the exception of Hide armor.

I think for Elementalist 13+Dex feels more magic based like a permanent mage armor while also taking them out of the item economy which seems appropriate for an Elementalist

I mean, it is exactly permanent mage armor. And the point I was making was to make sure that you didn't remove them from the item economy, as getting new gear and becoming stronger and more resilient is sort of the point of playing the game.

Although if your goal is to try and simulate downstate gameplay, then that works pretty well. When the enemy to hit modifier is +13 in later stages of gameplay, having 18 AC is almost the same as having 15 AC. Enemies will almost certainly never miss.

Tell me you can't win an infantry gunfight without telling me you can't win an infantry gunfight.

I saw that Elementalist requires you to have no armor equipped, but gives +1 studded leather for free as a feature and doesn't specify not carrying shields. Could just specify no Medium/Heavy armor equipped and still let Light armor through. Would give scaling for later levels and allow for upgrades to AC as the adventurer progresses in level and wealth, and solves the problem of dipping elementalist as a Multi class while remaining faithful to the source material.

Mesmer requires no heavy armor being equipped, could specify no medium either while still retaining access to shields to account for the chrono inspired features while again remaining faithful to the source.

Not that it would matter due to the nat20 roll for it, but breaking out of tied restraints would be a Strength check.

Important to consider the default armor proficiencies that Fighter provides, i.e. All of them. Elementalist and Mesmer are both Light armor classes in GW2, so they would not have access to medium and heavy armor proficiencies.

Bladesinger Wizards are an example of a martial-esque spellcaster, which would be a guide on how to make Mesmer work in DnD. Elementalist reads more as a Sorcerer or Monk subclass more than anything, with the magic focused stance switching.

Making them Fighter classes will mean Plate armored Elementalists and Mesmers. Bad news for balance.

I don't have adhesive charge yet, and I need a reliable way to deal with stuff at range other than planting shield and waiting for my teammates to wake the fuck up and deal with 6 hyperstacked gunners at the other end of the hallway.

Should probably specify concrete that's currently setting will give chemical burns, already set concrete won't.

Yeah, now see THIS I can relate to...

VV: Falls from exploding Bastion and lands with relatively no issues in Magrider.

Me: Clips a rock the wrong way whilst turning a corner on Amerish and explodes.

The duality of Planetmans.

Now you have some exploration to do, and use your in-game knowledge and experience to gauge the best place to defend.

And once we find the best place to defend and it becomes the defacto place where everyone goes to defend, then FS will cut THAT method off and so on, and so on.

Pretty soon it'll be Final Destination from Smash and we'll be in a giant featureless bowl ringed with 60 gunners and nobody will be able to complete that map.

So fun.

that thinking became optional

Sorry for mindlessly mulching hordes in my mindless horde mulching game. I didn't realize this was a fucking MOBA.

You either deal with this shit are just be alone forever.

I'll take alone forever for 500, Alex.

I think the point is, at least unless you're using the new 2024 rules, a single dip into Hexblade lets you attack with Charisma, making a very multi-attribute dependant Paladin not have to rely on STR for damage and CHA for spell DC's and CON for survivability and lets you just focus CHA and CON.


hitting the high skill ceiling required to do so


I'm glad we make hitting targets at 500 meters look easy. Lmao

That's because it IS easy. Lancer is without a doubt the easiest launcher to land hits with, nearly 0 travel time, no drop, just point at visible hitbox and click. Hitting air targets is only slightly harder, by which I mean still very easy but possible to miss if you're just absolutely terrible at aiming.

The hardest part about playing VS is that their weapons ease of use is their only perk, which is not nothing to be honest. High damage is great when you can land the shots as NC, but if you have trouble controlling recoil it seems like they're bad. High fire rate is great, but if you can't control your bloom and keep shots on targets then all you do is miss on TR.

On VS you just put dot on head and pull trigger to get kills. No recoil, very little bloom, no drop which only matters due to some weapons having low projectile velocity requiring a little more lead time.

Edit: Lol what a child.

I know a lot of people are saying Drow Shadow sorcerer, but I'm getting mad Eladrin vibes, and a lot of that weird dark fey influence. I know you're shying away from warlock, but just a dip of Archfey Warlock into Glamour Bard could work really well. Really lean heavily into that otherworldy fey beauty aspect.

Mechanically you have a lot of innate Charm and/or fear depending on how you're feeling towards someone, which is giving heavy witchy vibes imo.

Oh, lol you're right... I guess I should have made the video window bigger.

How did nobody shoot you off your stationary flash even once? Where are all these braindead players when I'm playing?

pull attack on the medium and light picks should also knock their shield aside for teammates to have a clear shot.

Takes 2 pull specials to open up the shield on Bulwarks.

Edit: From 0 stagger. Likely will have some stagger in a real game setting so 1 pull tends to open them up anyways.

We've seen Mr. Stock, but have they showed the employee ID for Dang yet? I wanna see this magnificent specimen!

For example you shout: My hands are behind my back! I'm not armed! I'm not moving!

While overpowering them and beating them unconscious with their own nightstick. /s