So we showed up in time for their set (that just ended) and came back to say wow. You did not lie 😂😩

Hey, about to go see him in Dallas. What time should we show up if we only care about seeing Frank?

edit - and the love makers ofc 🙂

You "fell asleep drunk in your seat" at a Bob Dylan show in 2009 and here you are shitposting on a subreddit for a musician you don't enjoy

Don't you have dialysis to go to or something

I hadn't listened to this song for at least 10 years.

Immediately went to YT and typed in bon iver and it was the first suggested auto complete

So glad technology has advanced to help me cry in a more swift fashion

I used to wear the Totti Azzurri kit in trainings right before they won the 2006 cup. I was so prepared to say "Totti and it's not even close" and then I saw the David Silva card.

This city fan is in pain 😩

weird understanding of "soccer"

as a supporter in the states I see what all this talk of no noise from our fans is about 🤡

Nice on the other hand everyone I match with is a toxic sweat using non England teams. Only guy who quit right away dribbled out of bounds after pretending he was gifting.

I need to play a game that isn't dominated by children

8 games in and have yet to see a single England team. Just a bunch of losers using their normal squads griddying on every goal

Think I'm done for the year after this. This community is bad for my mental health and I need a break


edit - silver evo is perry ng, he switches with John stones and plays central holding mid and stones plays lcb

I got 95 Zidane out of an 83 x 10 when he was in packs and I've tried him in just about every position in midfield and attack. I'm sure his 96 is similar where he's an absolutely immense player in good gameplay and an opponent who doesn't constantly press, but in WL and high rivals matches that's all that's going on so he just feels out of place. Turns like a tank and loses possession constantly from smaller/weaker players.

8.5/10 your team deserves better fullbacks. I should definitely worry less about chem and just play Davies but oh well 🤷‍♂️


what's your prayer routine brah 🙏🤲💪

Less of an L but I just got FS Roberto Carlos from an icon pick after doing his SBC lol

Cancelo in midfield and vaz at RB imo. Cancelo is great at any of the 3 cm spots in a 4-3-2-1 on a hawk. Already has great passing and defense, pace doesn't let you down since he isn't running against wingers, and has the(edit: the two best!) best PS+ for a midfielder. It was a no brainer for me and he's been immense

I've seen this exact same post probably a dozen times just downvote and move on so the bots stop

Has anyone gone from not using the headrest for a period to eventually adding it on? I've had my aeron for about two years now without it. Can't say I've ever missed having it but have wondered if it would be nice or an annoyance