For context:

Hochul won NY with 53% of the vote in 2022.

Abbott won Texas with 54% that year.

If you're on the 'Texas is flippable' wagon, you need to take a hard look at our own back yard

"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" they lament, while steadfastly refusing to put forward a candidate that people will fall in love with.

Remember Obama? Remember how he made you feel when he was running?

What happened to that Democratic party?

They will absolutely, 100% blame us when Biden loses.

November 6th will be "well, if you hadn't called for Biden to step down, we would have won" and they will learn absolutely nothing.

Polls showing other candidates - who haveln't spent the last year campaigning - neck and neck is absolutely insane.

Like, Biden is polling even with the people who aren't even running

Does the neighbor's kid have a pair of pinking shears, perhaps?

Quigley is about as safe as it is possible to get

[edit] it's even saver than I remembered.

In 2022, 2020, and 2018, Quigley beat the Republican 75/25.

Not only did he beat the Republican candidate in those three races, he beat the same candidate in all three of those races - and he's facing off against the same guy again this year.

That's right, Quigley's seat is so safe that the Republicans have run the same guy four times in a row - and he's never broken 28%.

DS9 is good all the way through

DS9 season 1 is painful.

There are some high points, to be sure, but Season 1 is mostly unwatchable.

If he wants to convince people that Trump is an existential threat to Democracy, he needs to start acting like it.

I've phonebanked for candidates in the past.

The thought of trying to talk this guy up to strangers for two hours just depresses me.

Voter apathy will have very read downballot consequences as well.

The Feinstein of the White House.

Shambling husks clutching to power to feed their insatiable egos, no matter that they're handing the nation to fascists.

Have we ever had a former president run after four years out of office*? How do you calculate the incumbent advantage when both candidates have held the position?

* Yes: Grover Cleveland. And he won.

Every single one of them is lining up a book deal right now.

Too bad they all already have day jobs running his campaign.

But that's not important, is it?

I have a bookmark to the amazon page for my socks and every year or two (when enough of them get holes and I have to toss them), I buy another pack. Literally every sock I own is identical.

I never need to worry about matching.

Schrodinger's demographic:

Strong enough to flip the election.

Too insignificant to court or take seriously.

Then maybe Biden shouldn't have appointed Garland as AG.

Someone who gave a shit wouldn't have waited two fucking years to appoint special counsel to prosecute.

a presidential address on the fourth of july gets a little more coverage than just c-span.

You don't think people would pay attention to the President on the Fourth of July?

Cops are trained to believe that if they are not in total control of the situation, they are in danger.

They are also trained to respond with overwhelming, and even lethal, force to any danger (real or percieved)

ergo: Talk back to a cop? lethal force justified.

Don't jump to obey every command? lethal force justified.

Filming when they don't want to be filmed? Standing up for your own rights? Behave in any way other than how the cop wants you to behave? Well, now he's not in control anymore, and he's allowed to use violence to fix that, no matter how many of your rights he violates.