Let's talk about narration!

Hi! If you're looking to narrate one of my stories on your channel, you've come to the right place. I consider every request I get, including from small and up-and-coming channels, but you should know a little about what I'm looking for when I decide whether to grant permission.

• Established Channel - I need a sample of your work before I decide whether to allow you to narrate my story. Requests from creators with no previous videos will be denied

• No TTS - I do not grant permission to channels who use text-to-speech for their videos.

• Track Record - I look to make sure that videos show quality and effort and that writers are consistently credited.

• Gender - This won't make or break my decision, but I am always looking for more female narrators to read my stories.

• Monetization - Please be upfront about if you will make any money off of a video using my work (through YouTube ads, sponsorships, Patreon, etc.)


He actually did sit for a little bit in the period between the first two clips before standing again

He was standing for all of Dynamite and being rude to the people around him when asked to sit

It was him, he was removed after security spoke to him multiple times and he continued to refuse to sit and be rude to the people around him. He initially refused to leave but eventually he was escorted out

He actually did sit down for a period after security talked to him for the second time before he was thrown out

Yes, the kid was escorted out with him

Yes. It was a guy and his kid (I think?) who were continually standing and being rude to people who asked them to sit. They were thrown out by about a half dozen security guards and a guy who appeared to be a cop. I started filming it from the crowd cause I could tell he wasn’t going to leave easily and wanted to have video in case something bad happened

This is true for any film or tv show. I’ve been a background actor in several bar scenes and you’re always instructed not to drink anything. Oftentimes the stuff that’s in the glass isn’t all that appealing anyways

From my vantage point (which was behind everything in the lower bowl) I thought it was a kid, albeit a tall one. I could be wrong but they were both kicked out together

You get a New York Times subscription! You can check the library website for instructions

He also (from what I could tell from further back in the 100s) was being pretty rude and aggressive to the people asking him to sit

I have footage of him getting removed. There were a lot of security guards (venue, not aew) and someone who appears to be a cop. He appeared to refuse to leave at first but they did eventually walk him out

ETA: He also had a child with him (who was also standing the entire time) who was removed alongside him

I remember a few years ago when she and Naomi were doing C2E2 she was really pushing her Star Wars role in her advertising/credentials. I get the vibe that she really wanted to pursue acting more

Yes! You can use one class to satisfy two or more requirements. It’s how I managed a triple minor :)

She’s been vlogging her surgery and recovery. She seems to be doing well but is definitely still in the early stages of recovering

Do they get pillows and blankets for the sleeping part of the event or is it more of just a lay down where you are and pass out kind of deal

I’ve never watched descendants but these are so cute I might have to. I might get the Brandy doll just cause I was OBSESSED with the movie musical as a kid

Within walking distance or can be accessed via the shopping shuttle: - Ben Franklin - Aldi - Walmart - CVS - discount drug mart - iga

Accessible via once-a-week shuttles - shops at Crocker Park including Trader Joe’s - west side market and nearby stores (go get a falafel wrap from Nate’s deli it is soooo good)

The college has no limits on how many majors and minors you can have. The question is if it’s feasible. Since those three areas of study aren’t likely to have a lot of overlap, so it’ll be difficult. But not impossible if you budget your time well and find classes that meet multiple requirements.

The campus is very trans-friendly, so I don’t like you’ll have a problem there. There’s also women and trans housing if that sort of thing appeals to you.

No, it wasn’t. There was a live crowd but the moment in question was during a commercial break, so no one on TV saw it. You can watch the full clip for context but the match was a banger and Dijak was proud of it and thought it would impress Vince but instead Vince fixated on this random moment during the commercials

Even if this property doesn’t belong to anyone involved in the Wyatt family, it’s not unlikely that actual people do live there. They probably don’t want people looking up where their house is because a wrestler they like filmed stuff there

Wait for the moderators to get back to you. The sub is very busy and it might take them a few days. Sending them endless messages about it is only going to make it take longer and make them frustrated with you