I'm a guy and tend to sit when I pee, as I generally tend to eat around the same time I drink so when I pee, generally gotta shit around the same time anyways.

Use buffout, psychobuff, antibiotics, disease away, rad away, heck any and all, depending on what I need to do. They have addictol if you get addicted. No problems.

If I haven't already for the week, buy gold from smiley upstairs at the wayward. If so, bulk screws (tend to go thru a lot), look for things I don't have much of...

Chainsaw does all damage every second, ripper less damage, but if they get away, the bleed hits them every 5 seconds til you get back on them...

Or simple method, take a potato, put thru the cutter they use for in and out, line all up with a knife, cut at particular length, take the shorts and save those, fry the perfect length fries, congrats all are same length fried.

Hellcat PA with a Cremator, or non PA with cremator or Gatling, or PA with gatling, depending on what general enemies in area.

Used a paper towel, the toilet paper was a bit too thin for what came out, so...

There's also the easy way of repairing everything in one go, your camp module. Go there, and do all repairs provided you have the supplies to do so.

It is an every hour, but if NO ONE talks to the master of ceremonies, it doesn't start at all.

What if you had the parts, would it put them together for you?

Charisma has to be about double of the park card points to share 1 card, and it depends on their build which perk could potentially help them. I use doctor as it helps keep them healed for cheaper per stimpack...

Get better turrets, personally I prefer the missile turrets, 1 shot kills most "Small" game, deathclaws and bigger take multiple hits, but unless your spot is right on top, should give decent time to kill em...

Drive them nuts with a question that throws them off, like what would a chair look like if our knees were the opposite direction. Do it in a place/time where you know the question will bother them, cause them to be flustered with what they're doing...

Magnetism (think Magneto), ... hrm one of the animals (bunch of pets) Life Manipulation, can manipulate time line of my life, going back and changing things... Telekinesis, if it has absolutely no metal can STILL manipulate it.

Currently wearing the robot, been flipping between it, and Blue Devil. Probably a couple weeks, then back to Chinese stealth helmet while changing suits...

Screw that, use a vuvuzuela (that weird plastic horn type instrument, places the noise a decent distance away, allows for fan connection, and doesn't need any power as it's powered by YOUR FART.)

Five of the ugliest hookers you'll ever see, back in forth in front of the place. When you get a room, they'll all come to your room, one after the other, to advertise their wares, even after you tell them " Not interested, only here cause I got work 5 minutes from here at 6 a.m. tomorrow"

Dude, you can make it AS LOUD AS YOU WANT, megaphone just gets in the way, you can make it AS LOUD AS THE HIROSHIMA BOMBING, the sonic blast from that was heard IN CALIFORNIA.

I know, but none of that was part of what is OFFICIALLY listed as food, even in the U.S....

You would need SERIOUS GRIP ON THE GROUND before changing to keep yourself as an anvil with a solid hit, and that just a normal blacksmith hit as they're using it to SHAPE METALS.