It's called The Body Keeps The Score, by Bessel Van Der Kolk.

Noted. TBH unless it's a life-or-death kind of thing I wouldn't jump at the chance of anything too experimental especially if the aftereffects aren't that well known.

FND might account for the general malaise symptoms (depression, visual snow, pain) but it doesn't sound like it to me, and honestly the person who commented way back suggesting you're a burnt-out overachiever may well be on the nose. I'm not a doctor, just a human with experience of said burnout, and I'd suggest therapy as well as relaxation. Massage, aromatherapy, a spa weekend every once in while. I am in no way trying to dismiss what you're feeling physically: just because something comes from your head doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just think of all the people who go to the ER with chest pains and turn out to be having acute anxiety. I would also recommend this book to you or anyone who is struggling with somatic symptoms, it can really help sort the organic issues out from those that appear due to trauma or stress. Best of luck!

I don't meant to sound too skeptical, but how do plasma or stem cells fix cervical instability? I have the same issue with EDS and degenerative disc disease in my c-spine, but physio and conservative use of a soft collar is what was recommended to me, as well as pain management for medication.

Yeahhh as with When_is_the_Future I have heard unsavory things about Gilete as an EDS patient myself. I have multiple friends with it too, and we are dismayed at the heavy invasive treatment patients get through insurance in North America. It isn't easy to live with, but once you start fusing your spine, you're going to have to keep getting surgeries.

British opinion: I can get this done for free, but in about 5 years time.

Honestly it gives me goosebumps when I hear that! I think I was 15 when that album came out, and it introduced me to Paul Robeson.

oppressed by gravity

It's really telling how hair-trigger offended the FA community can be when people asking genuine questions about how to exercise as a fat person have to sugar coat it with apologies and trigger warnings. Even exercise?? Not even the dreaded IWL? It sounds like such a stressful community to be in, having to self-police everything.

oppressed by gravity

How? Because he couldn't.... reach...his? or.... how???

oppressed by gravity

The idea of fluid restriction - even water! gives me the heebie jeebies to the point where I think avoiding dialysis is a valid life goal.

oppressed by gravity

I find it difficult to miss breakfast even when not hungry because I have to take my heap of morning meds with food. However if I had to fast for surgery or something I'd just suck it up. It's one meal, or one day, or a very short period of time. It's uncomfortable but you're doing it for a good reason.

Yes, it really is! It's the kind of thing you'd expect to be done during the working hours of the day.

oppressed by gravity

I mean if they were being unfeeling/reckless they'd be accepting super obese patients. Mind you, one FA I keep an eye on has been approved for elective surgery and I cannot even begin to guess their BMI - over 50 is a polite estimate. I suspect they lied on the (online) application about their weight and have half an idea that they'll be turned down when their surgeon sees them in the flesh.

oppressed by gravity

Today I learned something that somewhat horrified me. Cheers.

oppressed by gravity

Yup. There's standard deviation from the norm and then there's so far off the chart you can't even see it any more.

oppressed by gravity

I didn't even see that! I assumed 'manifesto'! Although I suppose in their argument the healthcare industry is a manifestation of anti-fat bias, so it works either way?

oppressed by gravity

Not by law, no. Not even NHS dentists have to be accessible.
It's a huge issue with therapy/mental health services too. I could go on but i'll just make myself too angry to sleep!

We only have one bathroom and a small house. When I hear the flush and then the bathroom door open immediately I know he's not washed his hands!

Juggling. I can only do the rotation in one direction!