Dice Maker

So, I've got some questions.

  1. Why do your dice have to be made from things other than plastic? How does that actually matter to your game mechanics?

  2. You can create the aesthetic of marble and metal with plastic.

  3. The reason wood and marble are so expensive is because you have to cut the dice out of an existing block of material. This means that 1) there is waste material that can't be used, 2) the manufacturing processes for those two materials is different (saw vs water cooled saw) plus, with the wood, there's post processing to sand and finish the die.

  4. I'm not even sure how they make metal dice, but whether it's a water jet cutter, 3d printer, or smelting die cast process, it's going to be more expensive than injection molded plastic, especially for a small production run.

  5. Metal and marble dice are going to mess up your customer's table because they are harder than many table surfaces. To avoid complaints, you should also provide a thing to roll dice in, further driving the cost of your game up.

I'm not trying to poop on your dream. I actually want you to succeed! I'm just saying, there really needs to be a tangible benefit for having exotic dice in a game, especially when you can achieve the same aesthetic with plastic dice.

That is a difficult line to draw.

For starters, most pens are mass produced, so you're not really seeing a lot of craftsmanship in general. You're seeing good manufacturing processes.

Ranga pens, I believe are handmade, and made from ebonite, and they are around $80+. A lot of folks like that material. So, that's one dividing line.

Visconti is often listed as a "fashion brand" rather than a good writing pen, off the shelf. It seems like a lot of what I've read about people's Visconti experience is that they pay someone to customize the nib, or to at least smooth it out before they even get the pen. So, that dividing line starts at around $200 and how's up to $1000+.

I'm not okay with that either, actually. But there's no test, currently, to determine your habitual drinking problem.

I can't say for the UK, but there is this movement (?) in the US that thinks that electronic money is bad because they can take it away from you or "They" can track all your purchases, etc... additionally if all money is electronic, the impact of data theft is much higher. And yes, these are sort of real world concerns, it's why we have all the security stuff on any software that handles money.

A few years ago, BIiden signed an Executive Order that told the national bank to investigate the adoption of a US backed cryptocurrency. Of course, right wing pundits translated this to replacement of cash, rather than the creation of an additional form of currency. So Boomers are now afraid of the government taking cash. Weird that it moves over to the UK.

Before switching to using two systems, maybe go back and watch Ryder Carrols videos? The core elements of the bujo system are to essentially have a planner that meets your own actual needs, rather than a cookie cutter planner from the store.

I used to keep two bujo, one for work and one for home. It's a pain. Much easier to have one book that has everything in it.

No, this is not normal.

But it does happen with some frequency in smaller organizations. My wife used to buy supplies for her group all the time on her own dime, and get reimbursed. Used to drive me crazy.

We don't explicitly do this, but I wouldn't hesitate to give my wife my phone if she needed it for something.

Location sharing is only for our daughter, for an assortment of reasons.

  1. Yes. I don't expect training to happen. Not enough.

  2. Sure, procedures are great, until people don't follow them.

  3. Yes, but should we make it easier?

  1. I assume they are able to be educated. I also assume that they will be given guns, with no training.

  2. Procedure solves a lot of problems, until someone doesn't follow it.

  3. Sure, but there is a certain level of irony in arming the teacher that decides to use it inappropriately.

It only takes a couple of weeks to clear weed, right? That's not that long. Most of the time all you have to do is stay clean long enough to apply for the job. Retesting happens, but not all that often.

If someone can't stay clean long enough to apply for the job that advertises drug screening tequirements, they probably won't be able to keep the job for very long. Never mind training expenses and whatever.

I'm good with legalization, btw. But if you can't plan two or three weeks into the future, you're just not going to do well in life, regardless of drug use.

Started at 49-ish, I'm currently 51.

Started at 49-ish, I'm currently 51.

People showing up inebriated to work can be a safety hazard to themselves or others. They are an insurance liability. If you could do tests for long term alcohol use, they'd do it.


  1. Halflings are child sized, they font look like children.

  2. Is your villain a child predator? If so, you kinda put yourself in this situation. If he isn't, then the plan just fails.

  3. Even if he's a predator, he could be collecting children for evil rituals, not sex crimes. Great way for your player to die.

  4. Regardless of all of the above, if you're not comfortable, don't do it.

I don't want this to happen, but I have a feeling that the result of arming teachers will actually result in:

  1. Classroom misfires. Purely accidental due to lack of firearms training, like so many other pieces of equipment teachers get handed.

  2. Another student becoming shooter, because opportunity

  3. A teacher shooting up the administration for creating such miserable working conditions.

I'm not entirely sure if I'm answering your question, but I think there aren't necessarily theological underpinnings to this.

Even if, with their mouths, they confess that only Jesus saves, a lot of people behave or feel that the work they do is what gets them into heaven. Whatever that work looks like. When you tell them that hell is likely to be empty, or nearly so, they then ask why are they doing the things they are doing. The answer should be "fruits of the spirit" but often instead you get pushback against the idea that sinners can be forgiven.

Conservative pundits will only take advantage of this because it's an opportunity. I would not assume any kind of pundit is actually being fully sincere, but rather they are doing what is best for their business.

walking to your car when no one else is around is dangerous, so be sure to keep your key between your knuckles in case you have to fight for your life”.

This is actually not good advice.

You're better off putting the phone away, keeping your head up, casually being aware of what's going on around you, and getting the door key out and ready before you leave the building.

Anonymous on the street attacks are actually not very common, but when they do happen the attacker selects their victim at least partially by looking for targets that are not aware of their surroundings, or not paying attention to their environment. It allows them to get the jump on the person, and bring a weapon to bear before the victim can do anything. This is not gender specific.

My wife has cold sores, usually stress related. It's not that big of a deal. You should go, it'll give you both time to focus on getting to know each other rather than worrying about if your going to get lucky.

Loving all the downvotes from people who cannot read and thinking it’s an STI

Most people call oral herpes a cold sore.

It further confirmed that our choices are crazy or old.

Keep laughing every month when the child support comes in.


He's a dumb dick.

I promise, we're not all this level of stupid.

Film cannisters with blue tape markings. In a box. With a billion other pen making supplies.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that's all that gets tested, but yes, a lot of the tests for graduation, or entrance exams are multiple choice exams. It's mostly for ease of grading, and enforced objectivity. So it stops things like partial credit for math problems, or preventing someone from doing well because their penmanship is terrible or they make spelling errors.

There tend to be other exams through the school year for testing application of knowledge, or critical thinking, and relational understanding.

It wasn't extra time. The person being asked gets a couple of minutes, then a response from the opposition, maybe also two minutes (?) and then one minute rebuttal from the first guy.

If anyone was actually keeping score, like a real debate, trump would have lost because he refused to answer questions, and instead blame shifted, lied, and ignored questions in favor of discussing illegal immigration.

I'm not saying Biden didn't have issues, but at least he generally addressed the questions.

it worked for Biden why wouldn't the same line in reverse work against him, right? Like no one'll notice him stealing it in real time.

Yes, omg, frickin hilarious.

Biden isn't the greatest, but at least he's actually concerned with governing and not just trying to get himself a pardon.

My favorite part was when Trump said Biden was the most dishonest president in history. My entire family cracked up.