The fact that this barely registers as news is fucking insane and shows how low the bar has dropped.

Liberals: We should give people healthcare, jobs that they can live on, maternity leave, childcare, housing and just to treat people well.

The right: They are holding a rapist accountable! Only straight white land owning males should be allowed to vote and have opinions. It's not America anymore. These people exercising their freedoms gotta go.

If he does, I bet the judge throws him in jail. I think 5 years per count, in theory it could be 185 years. I'd find that rather funny and appropriate.

They're going with the "I bet you won't" strategy? That's a bold move.

I can't call what i did in school sitting quietly in a classroom. Maybe being annoying and disruptive from undiagnosed mental health problems and undiagnosed learning disabilities. But yea, those all just showed up magically when I went to doctors out of the blue. Definitely didn't have problems in school.

They don't understand what congruity is and don't give a shit about hypocrisy. A bunch of wilfull ignorance and good old-fashioned ignorance.

Broke ass idiots giving their family NY trip money to trump is the funniest thing. Let me give the family vacation money to a billionaire rapist and convicted felon, just to ensure my kids hate me for the rest of my life.

So he's running on the just say yes campaign. Fun fact he won't, especially not the Epstein shit. Why pretend that's news? He's a known lying lier who lies.

There have been studies that come to the conclusion that word of mouth is the best form of marketing. So no matter what, at the end of the day, it's good for the games distribution.

Needed these guys for the Champions League. It's interesting how the cricketer clearly felt they were doing too much. I've seen that in different soccer leagues across Europe and the ushers just walk the person off. Finding out the hard way that's not how things are done must be tough.

The original military LARPer, no surprise his people are beer team 6 and gravy seals.

Zero ability to take responsibility is ridiculous. He's pathetic, it's unreal.

Remember how polls were wrong last time and it seemed like trump was gonna lose? People knew to be ashamed then and still voted for him. The MAGotts still gonna vote for that jerk off.

Blades of grass are an interesting demographic to claim.

It takes all kinds

I don't remember who, but they were talking about how much the US hates women and they use that as their point and how the country owes Hillary Clinton an apology. I gotta agree.


He clearly has rich parents to go running to. No loans or bad financial decisions just starting from a full network, friends and family, no loans to pay, and of course a work history that's probably exceptional. That's a leg up in my world. Even if he started at zero instead of in the positive, he still wouldn't get any respect.

Edit (extra rant): Also he had a phone and didn't know what homeless shelters are or anything like that? Wealthy people are so fucking stupid and annoying. Stopping cause he's sick? Bitch you know how many of us haven't gone to the doctors cause our hourly jobs wouldnt pay? Fuck out of here. Oh the stress is too much cause daddy's sick? Never had to build a tolerance for pain and anger cause your life has been handed to you? And he still fails, he doesn't actually learn from it, he just cares about his slumming friends he made along the way that he'll never talk to again, cause ew, the poors.

Please don't attach yourself to a car like that, it's really dumb.

I remember when Obama was president and these losers were claiming he was making an army out of people he was releasing from prison. Now, the biggest conspiracy the world has ever seen without leaving a shred of proof. In fact, with judges appointed by trump sanctioning lawyers that fought for maga and trump, it is absolutely amazing. If Obama and Biden had a conspiracy that worked this well and they were running the world, that's pretty impressive.

A qualified, intelligent, highly effective woman wasn't good enough against trump the first time. The right just made bullshit into a mountain and that was enough.

When did public servant turn into infallible God? These people are truly vile, stupid, delusional, and dangerous.

Dog had that predator/prey instinct kick in.

The second he claimed he could pull energy from thin air, I thought to myself, "This young man will be dead soon."