As an older lady, I guarantee you he was attracted to you and didn't know what to do about it so he acted a fool and his girlfriend caught on and is making it your problem.

Why does it seem like the USA hates their professors/academic staff? I have been looking for international jobs in my field, and I am absolutely appalled at the job offers from the USA. They seem to be going out of their way NOT to hire people. Adjunct staff, part-time hires, lecture pools, visiting professors. Honestly, what in the world? And the pay is always awful compared to everywhere else.

I see it more as an apology for the perceived disrespect and to move on from it. I don't agree with her.

Academics and their egos, man. For her part, she earned the title. She wants you to respect it. That is absolutely her prerogative - you'd be better off by pulling her aside, apologizing for your mistake and clearing the air, and just moving on. Don't take it personally.

Oh my goodness. I had this thought today. Why are they so quick to blame us or hold us responsible for their problems?

That sounds like an incredible amount of work.

Uhh. You'd be surprised how many people don't share this virtue. Check out the latest edition to India's laws.

Many of the foundations of art historical studies are intrinsically embedded in Renaissance studies.

Just a question. Are you a fellow brown woman? This is giving major Stockholm Syndrome vibes. NTA.

What thoughts do you want?

It's ridiculous don't entertain it.

They're very talkative, I've found. Just awkward.

I've seen a lot of paintings on here and yours is the first that made me think, "very interesting!"

I teach art history, too.

Very cool.

It's because someone along the way made you feel unworthy for being yourself. Be kind to your beautiful self. You are worthy of being treated well. Even if you don't always believe it.

Sometimes it helps to name what is behind the feeling. I think it's often shame. You feel ashamed for having a bad interaction and then you shame yourself for your mistake. So the self-loathing is a result of shame.

Brene Brown and Gabor Mate are useful theorists in this sense because they breakdown where the root emotions come from and how to deal with them.

The thing that really puts me off is that some of the songs are a mean-spirited.

Like the Kim song. That drama is super old but she's rehashing it and bragging that Kim's daughter listens to her songs so she'll never be able to escape the drama. That isn't admirable...that is really sad.

The So Long London song - why is she singing about someone else's mental health troubles? If Alwyn really has depression, it's really shite of her to broadcast it to the world.

This is very cynical. I've had students send 'love letters' like this after the grades have been submitted.

The Sally House when their camera batteries kept dying and the flashlight was answering their questions with insane accuracy. That was really strange for me. I don't understand it when the batteries drain because they say they put fresh ones in before the shoots.

I think differently. Again, the character arc is subtle. They initially are chasing money, but they are (reluctantly) drawn into the metanarrative of the Rebellion vs. Empire. So they have to make the choice to be self-serving or fight for a greater cause.

Not sure what you mean by little character. They were acted quite subtly but still full of character. Han Solo is cheeky, brave, loyal, for example.


I had a first-year student who was completely helpless when she realised she couldn't copy-paste her student ID number into the WiFi section on her phone. She was panicked when she realised she had to memorise eight numbers. She had two classmates with her who were equally confused as to what to do. I was dumbfounded that they couldn't figure out that they could write the number down, or repeat it out loud, or use any other mnemonic skills.

Does anyone have any idea about what's going on?