Clutch scoring from a Nova Scotian and solid but stressful goaltending from a Québecois goalie. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it 🇨🇦🍁🦫⚽️🥅🏒🦫🍁🇨🇦

Honestly it’s a pretty unique workout. Doesn’t surprise me that they’re not super fast if they’ve never done it before/don’t do it often, and have been working out and skating etc all week

VAN - NHL :61312:

I honestly don’t think I’ll ever not laugh at this picture. There’s so many layers. Like why does his dad look so much like Patrick Roy?

No not everyone registers their name haha. The times I saw were all in the 20-29 age range so none of the times I listed were Danny or Hank’s times

Haha it’s easy to find! Grouse posts the stats on their website

People get very into it. A coworker of mine is in their early 40s and is on the “most grinds ever” leaderboard.

I worked up on grouse as a teenager and people truly do get addicted to doing the grind. There’s guys who will do it every single day, often multiple times a day, even in the winter when it’s technically closed

There’s only 6 listed on grouse’s website right now. No names just “Canuck 1” “Canuck 2” etc. All between 46:23 and 50:28. Lol they know we want to see their times so they don’t register their names

There’s only 6 listed on grouse’s website right now. All between 46:23 and 50:28

There’s an annual multi-grouse grind challenge that raises money for BC children’s hospital

Yes. He signed his ELC in 2019-20 when he was 18, so as a goalie after 6 seasons or after playing 80 games (whichever comes first) he will require waivers. He’s currently sitting at 5 seasons and 19 games, so he’s in his last year.

Thanks man, hope to see you there soon too. The NHL is better when the Red Wings are a playoff team

He has very little leverage. He’ll sign eventually. He probably wants the guaranteed backup spot but he’s most likely their only roster player who is waiver exempt so he’s not gonna get that.

** edited because I accidentally wrote eligible instead of exempt lol

Competent management is more important than high picks. You obviously need both, but high picks mean nothing if you can’t build a team around them. Dismal. I want nothing more than for them to succeed because I know what it’s like to cheer for a team with useless management, but I just don’t know.

Best case scenario for you guys is Ryan’s game develops like his brother’s did this year. He was one of the most important players for the devils post injuries and the team’s play suffered once he left the lineup.

Doesn’t mean they should give him away for next to nothing, this is a braindead trade

Just go to dundarave, whytecliff, cates park, or deep cove instead

I mean I’m not completely ruling it out! Just skeptical

I’m very skeptical of that too lol, to be fair to them they dealt with some disastrous injury luck this season, but Guerin just keeps signing guys to these ridiculous contracts so I don’t really see a path for them to finish 2nd in the central even though they most likely will improve

Yeah they played the majority of their season this year with the corpse of Ryan Johansen as their 2C and finished with 107 points. Nuke and Landeskog situations are up in the air but with Mittelstadt as their 2C, Drouin most likely building on the good season he had, Makar not playing through whatever hip injury he had, and MacKinnon doing what he does, I really don’t see how they don’t finish with 100+ points. Minnesota did have a disastrous season with injuries etc so I think they will be more competitive in that division but yeah.

There’s some really highly regarded development coaches etc working in the area (you can read more here and here) but to be honest the answer is probably money. Neighbouring West Van has been one of the richest cities in Canada for quite some time, but some areas of North Van were not as nice up until ~20 years ago or so, when money really started coming into the area. There’s a lot of wealth here and parents pour a ridiculous amount of money into tons of different hockey programs, camps, equipment etc. Canucks were also an exciting team around this time, first with the West Coast Express, then the Sedins/Luongo/Kesler era, so that definitely helped too.

I’m obviously biased because I like to support the local kids but I think Ravensbergen is a special player and any team will be lucky to have him. He plays for Prince George in the WHL if you ever have a chance to stream one of his games!

Canucks fan from North Van dropping by - this post was recommended to me. You guys are growing a nice collection of North Shore Winter Club kids lol. Not sure what your goalie pipeline is like but another NSWC product, Josh Ravensbergen is likely going late first round in next year’s draft. Posted fantastic numbers as a rookie in the dub this year.