I think he was hoping she would reassure him “no you can trust me, I like you so much.”

Seems like he was trying to put out feelers without putting himself in the vulnerable position to get rejected by “quitting before getting fired”. When OP let him quit, he back pedaled.

“I don’t find you attractive. Physically.” 🤣

You have a road ahead of you. But you took one of the hardest steps. Be proud of yourself. Time to put in the work. You got this.

That’s a rough 30s

“We purposely didn’t post specific jobs on our website cus we don’t really know what we need, and want to make sure we leave room to scope creep your responsibilities without a pay raise.

We’re looking for people who: - Are excited our systems are really inefficient - but you can brag to your friends that you work a lot. - Exceptionally good at hiding you used ChatGPT to write everything - Super duper big brain - Have a “figure it out” for us mindset cus we certainly can’t - Be ok with absurd expectations, since we “told you ahead of time” - Looking to make our dreams, your dreams. “

The story itself is very YA. The narration felt very forced. The third person narration was actually pretty good. but when he switches to the dialogue the acting is very forced and whiny. It really highlighted the cringeworthy YA characteristics of the dialogue. Also the tone and volume seemed to fluctuate between characters at weird times, which was a bit off putting

It was tolerable through most of the first book but it’s a long series and I think I would have been better off just reading it. I think had the narrator used his normal voice a bit more it would have been so much better.

If you do decide to read it, I definitely do not recommend the audio book.

I would recommend just putting his peel back on.

If the business/industry is completely foreign to you, how can you be certain you’ll be able to even keep it running for 5 years?

“I am also not as spineless as she made me out to be. It’s just that I don’t argue with her because I know she would end our whole friendship over me not agreeing on something”

The irony 🤦🏻‍♂️

It took me around 1.5 years sobriety to start having the bare minimum motivation to climb out of the hole of boredom, feeling unfulfilled, and being aimless. So you’re definitely not alone, or broken.

Then it took me being proactive to actually start making progress. But around 2 years things started moving forward.

But you have to take initiative. I started trying different things. Woodworking, real estate license, painting, running, hiking, went back to school, started a non-profit, took online courses etc. a bunch of things didn’t stick. And for the most part I was just going thru the motions convincing myself to try and enjoy them.

But after awhile one or two stuck. Then it started to snowball. And more habits stuck.

I’m at about 4.5 years sober and I’m 100% the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been. I’m not a doctor, and won’t advise you one way or another on the ketamine thing. But imo there is no shortcut. Healing takes time, intention and initiative.

I saw a larger gentleman skip every obstacle in the race. by the end I think I admired him more than anyone else there. He didn’t let anything stop him from just showing up. It’s your race, so do what you gotta do.

Why be 5 mins early? Why not show up a week before? Real Alphas show up couple months in advanced. In person. At the hiring managers house.

Just because I still find it annoying doesn’t mean I’m taking it seriously

A compilation of the most annoying viral tiktok audio clips?

This audio is almost more annoying than LinkedIn posts

You’re right I don’t have enough data to say what the “majority” of hiring managers say. But neither does this guy. He’s a CEO of like a 10-15 person company.

A single hiring manager who states they actively recruit people with the badge is enough to discredit the ragebait premise that these LinkedIn contrarians are going around posting that “if you want to stay unemployed, use the badge”

Both this post and another similar post about the badge both received hundreds of comments in dissent. With actual hiring managers saying it wasn’t true. I’ll take their word for it.

He’s literally not. There was a similar post like a week ago where executive hiring managers were commenting saying they will look for people with the badge first. Even if it turns a few dumb hiring managers away, the fact that some hiring managers actively source profiles with badges disproves his post that “most hiring managers” feel this way.

Again, based on everything you’ve just said. You are likely dating a different demographic. You are a middle aged man who travels, likely has disposable income and dates a lot. You likely have had pretty decent success and I would guess a relatively high volume of matches, dates and casual sex.

Advice I would give OP is not the same advice I’d give you.