Ouch. In that case, what is this even supposed to be?

First off, I wouldn’t tell them that. Where I live highway/freeway isn’t part of the test, but it does depend where you live. In some places it is a requirement. I’m not sure if it is in Michigan - maybe you can ask someone you know?

But again, mentioning that you don’t plan on using the highway isn’t going to help you any. Either it’s not part of the test and it’d be irrelevant, or it is part of the test and they won’t even let you take it if you tell them you don’t feel comfortable.

There is no such law. Unless you signed a contract stating otherwise, your employer can change your schedule however they want. Not sure where you live but there is no federal law in the US prohibiting this.


The bumps could be cobblestone throat. Not a cause for concern. Otherwise it's just normal anatomy.

Why would you talk to corporate? Just talk to her about it. Depending on what you signed up for when accepting the job, it could be perfectly within her right to change your schedule. If you tell her that you can't do those hours and she doesn't care, then leave at that point.

... did you try to track down possible owners there or somewhere nearby? He probably belongs to someone.

Not if you actually have an underactive thyroid. If your tsh is temporarily affected due to some other factor? Sure. But if you actually have "true" hypothyroidism then you need medication.

There is no such thing as reversing hypothyroidism due to lifestyle changes alone. If someone claims to lower their TSH from subclinical levels without the use of medication, and they were fine ever since, then they didn't have hypothyroidism to begin with.

Lmao I hear you. Don't get me wrong I like horror and Halloween is my favorite - I just feel like it's a similar vibe to get a character like that tattooed.

Nothing can really 100% prevent progression of conditions like these, but yes certain treatments like Plaquenil are meant to help slow progression into organ involvement.

I have a bunch of tattoos and this happens to me pretty frequently. It's a pretty common phenomenon among us with connective tissue disorders it seems, but I think it also happens to "normal" people too.

Impossible to say. Is your performance poor? It could just be a routine new hire check in, if not.

Cold hands, warm heart

Raynauds diagnosis shouldn't be that difficult. A picture is sufficient if you are experiencing something that's visually indicative of raynauds. Besides, it doesn't require treatment or much further investigation unless you have other complications, so it shouldn't be giving you this much trouble.

Cold hands, warm heart

Maybe, maybe not. Do you experience "typical" raynauds symptoms such as the color change and cold extremities? Blue nails (especially in response to cold) and pruning can be from raynauds, but alone those aren't solely indicative of raynauds.

2 weeks is standard, so that's probably why. You offered more time and they don't want/need it - no big deal. Nothing you can or need to do. Since you gave your notice, they don't need to keep you on for more than the typical notice period. You don't qualify for unemployment if you are voluntarily quitting - they aren't firing you.

Rich? No. But you can be comfortable.

This one in the photo is from body art forms. I'm not sure if they have something similar with opal.

Edit: body candy and urban body jewelry have them.

No. Insurance doesn't tell your employer anything about your medical care. Why would they?

That's not what they seemed to imply, but it does actually look better than some of these insanely unrealistic ones (AI)

I'd tap out simply because I can't sit there for 8 hours. I always say the rest of my body ends up hurting so much more than the area I'm getting tattooed just from laying there so long 💀

Androgenetic Alopecia

You absolutely can be experiencing increased shedding from a minoxidil dread shed. However, it's worth noting that your fallout in the last photo isn't severe, and the two pictures of the top of your head aren't noticeably different. A lot of other factors can come into play, like if there was a greater amount of time in between showers with the brown hair pictures, for example. But all else being the same - it could be a dread shed. If so, it's temporary and should mean good things are coming!

A few things to note. For starters, a malar rash is given that name due to it's shape - this kind of rash doesn't necessarily mean lupus. Any rash, even if it's definitely in the malar shape, needs to be biopsied to determine the cause, so no one can really tell you from a picture. For what it's worth, this does not resemble a typical malar rash.