
See ripely looks like a Russian blue to me

Looks like a Neb except the yellow eyes

She looks like my boy! Both are adorable

Why doesn’t anyone research this breed? Everyone acts like they know everything, yet they do not

Nebs do not have yellow eyes. Do your research about the breed.

Lab pit mix, and if so, super cute!

Looks almost Neb, the eyes throw me off.

So cute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Does anyone research nebs before posting? Just curious.

Top right looks like a Neb. The bottom kitty has yellow eyes so not a Neb

I just want to kiss all the wrinkles on the head! That’s what I did with my old PUPPERS! So cute! Snuggle the girl for me!!!

I also love him/ her! So adorable!

Just came home from working 3rd shift in a hospital lab. I’m tired, and people really need to take care of themselves. If you do not feel well, call your pcp.

I’m not an expert, and the photos aren’t great, but I think the man is a Neb

Yours looks better than mine. I took it from a co worker who was over watering it. It gets a bunch of leaves, then drops them? Idk? I water it once a week sparingly? If you figure it out, let me know