I understand, I also feel like I'm not as strong as before, but I got better over time, I could still work out so I got fit and that helped a lot. I learned that obsessing at what I lost only made things worse so I stopped caring, for the most part I completely forget that I have pssd

I did before becoming muslim

"Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?" (QS. At-Tur 52: Verse 35)

“By time, indeed man is in a state of loss. Except those who believe, and do good and advise each other on the truth, and advise each other to be patient.” (Surat Al-Asr, Qur’an 103)

I used to be an atheist because of Christianity, it has nothing to do with God, don't compare it with Islam

"Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?" (QS. Al-Ankaboot 29: Verse 2)

"But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars." (QS. Al-Ankaboot 29: Verse 3)

“There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.”

Sahih al-Bukhari (5678)


"And when he learns anything about Our signs, he takes them in mockery." (Sūratul Jāthiya, No.45, Āyat 9)

No regretUpdate

Since I became muslim I feel no regret about having pssd, I see it as a blessig now, I want from being a doomer to becoming a software developer. I've had emotional numbeness and pleasureless sex for almost 4 years, but I don't care about those things anymore. I realized that this life is short and we have a much greater purpose than to just follow our mere desires.

I haven't checked on this subreddit in years, I came back just to post this. I hope you guys will get well soon, I just wish that you'll learn about Islam after knowing my story


Its just op foe now, next update its getting nerfed

I ain't reading all that

Yes I got it ty

How do you get that skin?

This seems like projecting to me , but sure whatever helps you cope

You sure? Last time I checked your where the one posting pic of your junk on reddit lol

Why tf does your classic slayer cost 10$ and mine 12€ ??

What is that?

It's just a joke about people who spend a lot of money and time on this game as if it's going to get them laid or something



Dont move too much because the chain gun acives max attack Speed when you stand still, always choose sustained fire and attack speed boost because the more att. Speed you get the more damage you do, also use balista because it has longer range and it has a ability that increases att. Speed when you kill e demon