drink a lot of water and steam your face. after steaming rub your face with your fingers or a soft cloth in circular motions

yes!! and dye it dark brown.

please paint the legs black to match the couch. or add a swirl of dark green to the top. or put grey pillows on the couch. it’s a cool table but they don’t work together.

Ohhh baby. this sounds like me at 17. i know how you feel. i wish i spent those years of my life caring for myself, my health, my education and social life. you cant live trying to please other people. no one is going to fulfill you. they will move on with life, with their educations, careers and you will be in the exact same place, watching them. please. get to know yourself outside of your body. what’s your favorite colour? your favorite book?

i wish words were enough to convince you, i know they’re not. but please take it from me. please message me if you’re comfortable with it.

What to know before fashion school.

Hi!!! I’m going into fashion school soon and need a couple tips. I have always been very into styling, I know what works together, am strong in aspects such as colour coordination and have always been very meticulous about how i dress. I have a huge background in art and want to put my skills into designing. However, I don’t know much about designers/trends/eras, which i know is crazy important. Does anyone have any references that could help me out?? Things such as documentaries, lookbooks, etc. I would appreciate anything. If you have any other tips that could be useful please let me know!! :)<3

try a messy shaggy cut. looks great on everyone ;)

Any Harry Potter/Star Wars film. Not a fan of magic or space.

You should get a shatafa (idk what it is in english but it’s like a little hose that you can connect to your water system). Every middle eastern bathroom has it and it’s a great option if you are outside of europe and don’t have a bidet. Honestly, I cant imagine not using water to wash down there after going to the toilet. You’ll feel much cleaner.

Layer a base perfume oil with you’re perfume always does it for me! Vaseline before applying before helps it last as well.

Thank you. I’m hoping that she finds herself outside of her children. She really devoted her life to us. She’s the one who pushed for me to leave the country, I didn’t believe in myself enough. She’s never made me feel bad about it but I can imagine that she’s upset. Thank you again, I’ll try to come up with ideas that can make it lighter for her.

i’m her daughter. she wasn’t my ‘emotional support animal’ when i was going through it either. family is supposed to help one another. R/victimcomplex

How to deal with guilt when moving away from mom for university.Mind Tip

I’m moving to another country to continue my studies after graduating in a couple weeks and can’t shake off this feeling of guilt. I’m 19 and my mom is almost 60. My father is emotionally and socially inept. My mom grew up telling me that I’m the only reason she’s still with him and that when i graduate high school she would leave him. I’m aware that this is toxic, but i’m not mad at her. She was raising a child and experiencing and awful marriage for the first time and was bound to make mistakes. She really is wonderful, she gave up work to care for me and has put up with so much of my bullshit with grace. I know she won’t leave my father, she has no financial stability or place to go. I’m scared, I know how lonely and sad she will be since I have no younger siblings and she has little to no friends. I remember how upset she was when my brother moved out. I really don’t know how all my peers are taking it so lightly. I should be really excited, i am, but a deep pit forms in my stomach when i remember how she must feel. Any advice?