Mate just pull it instead, please it’s painful to watch

It’s not just that, the other ghouls don’t glow so it really emphasises it

Could’ve been someone parked over the line when they parked and then that person has left making them look like the bad one

How can anyone be p4p when they wont fight the other top fighters, Jones runs from Aspinall at every opportunity

And let's face it the rotting stuff is the best to throw, let em smell it

What would the sand blast do to human flesh? I’m expecting horrible things

Does it harden by being heated then cooled very quickly?

You could just WhatsApp them Tobi you sausage

Wish I had mo salah money to get a hair transplant 😅 hope it sticks for you mo

It's not that hard to believe, I expect this kind of thing will be easy for it soon enough

The fallout mothman deck, but I’m a new player and that’s my first deck so I’m probably bias

In this Video? It always looks massive

The women are even stupider, she’s just watching the kid stand there and not saying anything

Tipping is so dumb that’s why. Why would I pay someone’s wages instead of the company they work for? Makes no sense, I don’t get why Americans get such a hard on over it.

While you're using a dock?? I don't get it OP because it looks like you need the dock

Was the cat asked who will lose?

Be right back guys, going to do my bit for society. I’ll be about 30 seconds.

It’s probably some teenager who think everything is lame and hasn’t learnt to be chill yet