Me three except I reread the lyrics and that's still kinda what I see so I'm sticking with it.

I am rephrasing the original take, not making claims about your mad-ness. I think you misunderstood the original (which I think does not apply to the phrase you brought up), hence my disagreement and rephrasing

Disagree! The take is fine. "All men are trash" are words in the post, with IMPORTANT exceptions. This take is more about UNIMPORTANT exceptions and words not in the post. For example, the prototypical "I like pancakes" does not include any words about waffles (ref:  ). "Black lives matter" does not actually suggest that other lives don't matter. "Getting regular exercise is good for health, sleep, and mood" is true for MOST PEOPLE and it's not necessary to append a whole ass disclaimer to that for all those folks for whom regular exercise is not, actually, good at this time (folks with medical conditions primarily).

If you are getting mad about words in the post, go for it. If you're getting mad that someone has not made their take incomprehensible by adding paragraphs of disclaimers, or getting mad about words not in the post, consider just writing in your private journal or logging off for the day.

I'm surprised by the "zelda has no genderfuckery" stuff because wasn't Zelda also Sheik? Or at least, this is what I know from playing Smash with my best friend in middle school. It stuck in my head for uh....reasons.

Ah okay yeah. I was picturing trails because most of the time I've been alone in the woods it's been on or near a trail -- there are other people on them, sure, but most of the time I'm not seeing them (if I am constantly running into other people, usually I pick a different trail haha). And encounters with other humans on trails are some variation of "hey good [time of day]".

I encountered a bear near a trail -- I thought it was a dog originally then realized that it didn't move like a dog, it looked kinda wrong, and there were no other hikers whose dog it could have been. It was honestly kind of alarming -- it was small, so its mama was probably somewhere nearby and I didn't want her to think I was threatening her babies. I ended up singing sea shanties at the top of my lungs for about half a mile and didn't see any more bears.

Ok this is kind of a sidebar but I’ve been wondering: if you would choose the bear, what is the exact situation you’re picturing for the encounter? What sorts of woods experience do you have?

(I ask because I would pick the man — I’ve encountered both, but I’m picturing “on a hiking trail” and I’ve been hiking for years and encountered lots of other people going the other way and there’s such a small number of interactions you even have, so I figure probably people who pick bear have different experiences and/or are picturing something different for “in the woods”)

My blazing hot take is that a number of trans people have and need to unlearn issues with their AGAB. It’s a totally understandable thing, but also really easy to fall into the trap of “bad for me = bad, period”

I have a trans friend who was recruited for a study and part of the study protocol involved messing with her hormones, so you can also just literally control that in the study population if they’re willing.

I think there is genuinely a tradeoff conversation to be had about that (and queer minors, and…) vs. stuff like Andrew Tate and actual predators (although those same minors from abusive homes are often the most vulnerable to predators)

This is why I rarely turn on the actual lane assist (on mine I have to turn on a button for it to try to steer), and just live with the occasional beep.

I would try 375 for 35 minutes tbh. Check 'em at 30, if they're not as brown as you like, close the door and go another 5, repeat if necessary.

Do the recipes online reference convection settings? Also, I would expect the filling level to adjust cook times.

There are so many eve players that whine about people mining ore in enemy territory running from fights though, which is always funny to me. A common refrain is that those people aren’t “playing the pvp game”, but those people ARE: they’re successfully evading PLAYERS who are trying to hunt them.

Intention of? No, probably not, but it's still better than a gas guzzler for the climate specifically. It's still a fucking dumb car, which is kind of a shame because it'd be great to get pavement princess truck owners off of gas. That said, I've seen a lot of the Rivian trucks around, maybe those will take off for everyone who thinks they need to drive an F250 to their office job.

A whole lotta people put butter on or in squash, it's a good question.

So...not that EVs are flawless, but they are generally better climate-wise than gas cars. In particular, for people who are stuck commuting by car, the EVs are way more efficient in stop-and-go traffic. Legitimately I think one of the only good things that Tesla is associated with is making a "cool" EV that was exciting to buy.

Of course, now there are a lot more EVs, and a lot more better ones. Plug-in hybrids also exist and got better, so people can have in some ways the best of both worlds.

Thank you for sharing this!

For anyone else who finds this: in the EU, allergens are emphasized in the regular ingredients list. Iceland's labels mostly follow the EU standard, which is here:

Recognizing that the calculator can solve it and inputting it into the calculator is harder than you think it is.

I thought I was cheating on a independent learning math program where there was a built-in equation solver (this was before Wolfram Alpha) that could apply the various things we've learned. I didn't want to write out all the homework problems so I would run them through the computer instead.

As a result, I got really good at abstract thing and recognizing patterns ("This is a correctly formatted, factor-able quadratic equation. This WOULD be a correctly formatted, factor-able quadratic equation if I just subtracted the same term from both sides/multiplied by X/whatever"). That shit was invaluable in higher math and in my real life.

Not the original poster -- I know and understand why HTTPS is important, but for several years there the issue wasn't platforms supporting HTTPS but rather how damn hard it was to get HTTPS set up properly if you were kinda rolling your own thing and just trying to start something new. If you were buying hosting from somewhere, if I recall correctly setting up HTTPS was kind of a pain in the ass where you actually had to understand certificates etc, in addition to whatever you were using to write your webpage, and that increased the barrier to entry and sucked, especially if you were just one person.

Now there's letsencrypt and all that, it's muuuuch easier to get a website up and running with a valid certificate. I was working on a little hobby webapp using flask and used caddy to proxy myhost:443 to the actual app, and it went out and got me a certificate and everything was magically working in the browser.

That said, I think the only reason we have easy HTTPS now is because we went through several years of having really painful HTTPS

Tbh this is the "best" propaganda from the perspective of the propagandist. If you can frame true things so that your narrative ~naturally~ falls out of of them, then it's a lot harder to say that the overall narrative is untrue, even if it's wildly misleading. This is how a lot of far-right propaganda works in the US, even -- quoting true stats out of context, such that someone can't argue with the stats and arguing about missing context feels like a pile of cope.

I think it's a grandpa simpson bit? At least the "onion on my belt which was the style at the time" is.

I think because they're also deconstructing the fanservice along with the rest of the giant mecha show: "this is the fanservice part where the child soldier accidentally touches the other child soldier's boobs! tee-hee! See how this is also fucked up actually." This thread culminates in That Scene in End of Evangelion.

I don't read that scene as shallow fanservice, actually -- the shot is held so long it becomes REALLY uncomfortable for the viewer, and Rei's non-reaction to sexual assault suggests things about her character and life.

Basically it's taking the shallow fanservice scene template and kind of going "wait but this is fucked up really"

The problem with the rebuilds IMO is in the originals it was almost always shown as problematic, it felt a lot more like a part of the ways that everyone in the show was fucked up.

In the rebuild movies it was just straight up fanservice :(