Our country is struggling to find the Holocaust as a bad thing right now so Brexit didn't stand a chance

I've heard dental schools will give you free dentistry by allowing their students to train using willing volunteers; wouldn't hurt to contact some of them, they may even relish the educational value your situation will provide their students

The breastfeeding episode is hilarious ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Nope, I'm not an anxious person by nature and most of my screen time is watching shows like American Dad or playing games like Civ. But post COVID there was a 6 month period I couldn't remember people's names and even now people will tell stories I was apparently present for but have 0 recollection of, but those are becoming fewer and farther between as time goes on. Kinda gives you glitch in the Matrix vibes haha

I'm on day 6 of COVID right now (last day of it, I can tell) and all I got this time around was a mild sore throat for 5 days with a runny nose for 3 days and one day of coughing. Only reason I even thought to test was cuz I've never had a sore throat last more than 2 or 3 days

I for one can attest to the brain fog. I got COVID the first time 16 months ago and still have some lingering memory issues

Sagrada Familia. It's a wonder that you can never finish but you can work it like a district project to pump out extra culture or tourism

Y'all are wild, I never said I want Tommy to die, just observing that the writers haven't inflicted that on Buck yet. Chill

This is what I'm expecting, he's had basically every trauma except having his significant other die

Espionage sucks and you should be allowed to play without it like in Civ V

I'd like some sort of hybrid of the two, cuz I equally dislike that national borders in Civ are completely ridiculous and based solely on a city's age. It would be nice to have you settle a city and it basically captures a region for more realistic cohesive borders, rather than the weird buck-shot nations you get with cities completely disconnected from each other until they're hundreds or thousands of years old and a national that looks like chicken pox

Beer is a very common evening beverage and it is by no means purely consumed to get drunk. In many cases that is not the desired goal, it's literally just good tasting and the low alcohol content measn one or two beers is good for simply relaxing and easing the day's stress away. It goes well with meals just like a glass of wine, very common dinner drinks, because they pair well and getting drunk is not the goal (for most). Any time a group of friends gets together alcohol or any kind is usually involved because it just goes hand in hand with social settings whether it's casual unwinding after work or a bachelor party, and everything in-between

Probably 20% of Farscape episodes are absolute gut punches, I can't even pick one

Wait, harps have peddles?? Logically it's not surprising and yet I'm surprised

Well, she is an actress, wouldn't surprise me if they had a call to a studio set that she just happened to be at so the whole team could stumble up on her at some point

Can't believe no one has mentioned 'Dicks: The Musical'. I've watched it more times than I can count and Megan Mullaley and Nathan Lane are treasures

Did the flood take out a unit? Sounds like she thinks you took on an enemy too powerful for your unit or something

He still fled the police. Even though he was later found to be innocent of any wrong doing in the convenience store, the 'proper' thing for him to have done was to allow himself to be brought in for questioning and await the evidence that would clear him. Being cleared of one crime doesn't absolve him of the subsequent crime of fleeing custody. In a just world a judge would review his case and likely throw out all charges and just reprimand him, but he's black and it was in Florida so...

I was gonna say, I have trouble believing that a croc grows faster than duck chicks, and that croc is bigger than momma duck while those chicks look barely a week old

Probably this is more for creative affect than being the top 50% and including Illinois, WA, GA, etc would put it too far over 50%

Or any technology really. The Industrial Revolution (and steam engines specifically) massively changed cities and how the world functions but in the game nothing really happens and railroads are inconsequential

I really liked that when Chim and Maddie got married they played a slowed down, intimate version of the song they sang karaoke together when they first met