I think being considered lazy is generally viewed as bad lol

These are pretty much most of my weekly listens. I like Mike Recine’s podcast too, Out For Smokes but the eps are hit or miss

Correction, they’d be one of the best college basketball D-1 players

I’m surprised that nobody is saying Harry Styles, although I hope that isn’t the pick

Fencing pose doesn’t mean he “won’t wake up” - this is why people are downvoting you. It’s a reflex that may or may not indicate a tbi.

Best French fry I’ve ever had bar none

With context it was fairly easy to understand what they meant.

Oh thanks for the heads up, guy that’s bet $200 on blackjack!

I’d rather watch the dick sucking thing

This is my fave American style Chinese place as well. They don’t have the fat east coast egg rolls though. Closest I’ve found (still not the same thing) is King Egg Roll but they’re mostly in San Jose

Running woman runs on the left instead of the right side following traffic and sometimes just runs back and forth on a subsection of the lake making every person that’s walking the normal flow get out of her way. I once just stood there instead of moving (after like the 5th time having to get out of her way) and got cursed out

As an NY transplant, they’re nothing to write home about but they have a lot of different options (Mendocino mustard is a personal fave) and the price can’t be beat

Farmer Joe’s $8 sub sandwich has to get a mention

When did she call him out for not making a move? That would indeed be sad

This place is fine. Good meal when someone else is paying - would never in a million years spend money here given their creative menu pricing.

Michael Redd had a few awesome years before he drifted off into obscurity on the mid 2000’s Bucks

Love this - this is totally something that you can have someone do you a solid on, but it’s hard to solve this on your own

This very clearly doesn’t seem like a $100M offer. “You could make…”, I’m sure he’d get a fraction of that on an ad deal, but this is just clickbait which is what OF wanted in the first place

Exactly, I’m the same age, work in the same industry and started at a comparable company to Microsoft in a major city and made $63k starting I think. Marketing jobs don’t pay that well until you move up

Lmao starting salary for a marketing role at msft could be like $65k, plenty of people make more than that but nothing in that article implies she’s raking