Do you know anyone from AmeriCorps yet? the people I know who made it through their service contract all ended up rooming with their fellow volunteers

Honestly, not OP here, I've applied for a position in the Pure Waters division and might look at the water recovery assistant position as well. Any tips on navigating governmental jobs?

I have a BS in Communications, an A.A.S. from a defunct trade program- cabinetmaking- as well; so I also had applied to a few support positions and got nada.

The only one I haven't gone for are random janitorial jobs in bumfuck nowhere with the DEC, and CPS

I mean I genuinely didn't know it was open until this very thread lol. I am honestly the type of dork that might enjoy it!

I'm doing the IT cert now, but idrk if I'd trust the $70k claim lol. They definitely give you a lot of hopium.

the finance bros will never tell you about this secret retirement hack; I'm going to do what my parents should've done.

Work my ass off, treat them with love and kindness, provide them tutoring and if they show ADHD give them support, but firmly push them into a lucrative, high-paying profession and then guilt-trip them into giving me money

Same experience here and while I wouldn't recommend my job to anyone, it's at least a job. They might be expanding but check my moanin' in tales from call centers first. lmk if you really need just any kind of place to hold you over in the mean-time. Unlike the always-hiring-warehouses, there's at least no manual labor.

I think locally, we compete with a TON of area college grads, as well as I've noticed recently- loads of folk who were laid off from major area employers who're still in the "sweet spot" where they still need to work, aren't "too old", but have far more experience than new or recent grads.

I.e., my employer listed a position "ideal for new grads", and I had hoped to make a lateral shift off the floor into it. Workforce management isn't anyone's dream but it's better than this. Buuuut despite it being entry level, the managers said it got swamped by folk with decades of experience, and they ended up grabbing someone with decades of experience elsewhere whose company just did the ol' "lay off hundreds of employees at once" trick.

I'm doing some searches already, but does anyone know any books on knee health/joint health recommended or written by real professionals like physical therapists?

I have knee issues and occasionally have to go back to one. At this point I regret just not studying it so I could treat myself, lol.

They all stress I need lower impact and incorporate more accessory work. I usually I go with 5-3-1 or a really short, on the fly variation, but I've been incorporating more and more elliptical as well as the odd accessory work I remember from PT sessions.

I love to hike and snowboard, I really want to try judo again, and might be working manual labor so my big focus is basically trying to bulletproof joints and improve cardio, less lifting heavy- it's just honestly 5-3-1 is what I've learned and always used

dead cause its so true

I have one coworker freaking out because she's caused four accident in two weeks and her cars toast and "The damn ____ folk want insurance details!"

another is flabberghasted that her uninsured car, driven without license, was impounded because she hadn't paid the lease in two months, instead she's been "Leaving a message on voicemail that next month I got them"

Work, Gym, dinner, game, sleep

Very rarely fuck around with friends and have a bonfire

Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that. Was it the Spectrum internet one? It was lowkey humilitating, I had a lot of suspicion but when it was confirmed they knew no one would apply for door-to-door sales, we just started mocking the guy, talking and leaving the chat

I checked and CGI digital does have a few positions up, they're taking portfolio examples- really, best of luck! Oddly enough, somehow Kodak has some positions up that are semi-relevant to marketing.

And lmk if you know any trade union hiring at this point, one more month of ghetto coworkers and customer service I'm gonna jump into the lake wearing concrete shoes

From a whole other project here- I agree with the other guy it's the management and coworkers that are insane- I might see if I can get moved into this project then lol

Personally, I've given up. It was so bleak locally before my current job I was bait-and-switched for a fucking group interview for a door-to-door salesman job, and I was the least experienced person in the Zoom meeting. If you have the experience and portfolio, definitely give remote work a try. We got to talking before leaving and the other dudes had years of experience, yet still so desperate they were in this interview, blew my mind

I'm now trying to get into either a trades or leverage my experience into AR/AP work, and maybe something with UR. The city also has some social media jobs from time to time, and occasionally CGI digital.

I'll make an exception for you lol but I will still start praying when I hear sexy red blastin' out shitty speakers

It's not much better for the front-end. My supervisors and managers don't bother reading my messages or our own policies, HR either, and 80% of the customers? LORD do they not get it. The most basic, obvious questions... I had one today on the website staring a hyperlink in her damn face still telling me "I don't see it"

Honestly, my company's written department just opens and closes tickets, they never take any action, but now I wonder if they do and just nothing can be done lol

:WFP:Working Families Party (U.S.)

I agree with u/some-guy-online, definitely appreciate the strong resistance to authority and the sheer stupidy of crony capitalism and government. There is a LOT of issues with American government, state governments, etc, the websites and services have a lot of issues, many cities are still completely run by essentially mob-politics/machine politics.

Just open Reason Magazine and you'll find many convincing articles and case examples. Any freedom of speech watchdog organization, as well. And many left libertarians, the originally libertarians- be they anarchists of one flavor or "lighter" libertarian socialists- they 100% have compelling rhetoric and examples. David Graeber is, imo, essential reading for anyone.

This is especially so as someone from Rochester whose town was essentially built by a flower industry, then mills, then Kodak, and as a result- has a super strong tradition of machine politics. NYS in general, lol. Our old mayor got caught helping sell guns and is still, somehow, a major player in the Democrat Party.

Did my first few classes last spring, and now I'm trying to do more at 26. It definitely seems perfectly normal, honestly. not like karate lol

Welp, time to see if there's a good book on it. Ik the Pittsford Barnes n Nobles usually has a local history section.

:WFP:Working Families Party (U.S.)

Yeah, and more than a month n change. The big auto unions in Murica are planning a strike four years out from now, iirc. Thats adequate time.

:WFP:Working Families Party (U.S.)

Maybe DIssent Magazine? I wouldn't say anti-Israel, maybe anti-Zionist, because they have had some editorials from Israeli pro-palestinian and peace activists who, yk, don't want to see ethnic cleansing in Israel, but do want to see an end to what they see as an ethnostate based on military expanionism; as well as joint articles written by Palestinian and Jewish friends on the issue.

:WFP:Working Families Party (U.S.)

Pretty much in full agreement with u/iamtheglazed here.

My call center job right now has been a massive eye-opener for this, weirdly enough. Caste based racism, intra-Hispanic racism (i.e., "I refuse to sit next to ___. I am from ____, and people from ___ are ____, ___, ___"), Nation of Islam racism, people bragging about targeting people from other cultures, etc. Genuinely, many issues can be attributed to redlining, systematic racism, cultural relativism, etc.

Whenever folk mentioned it to HR/WFM, there was some "free speech" and "multiculturalism" excuse found.

Welp, fights are breaking out, no work is getting done, remote won't come into office due to it, the companies losing contracts, and people are quitting over it. Hell I've told management make me remote or I'd rather go back to the damn warehouse. All because "Well everyone's cultural values are important!"

Genuinely about to do this myself. I hope you find a damn good job that cares about you!!

I only feel guilty because in hindsight, if I pushed harder as a teen, got treatment, a tutor, my life now would be a lot more peaceful with a better career, and with a better career, I could help more people. But such is life, yk?