
Thanks, i’ve removed them!

It’s unfortunately what they’re trained to do. I was trained by Crisis Text Line (which sounds like maybe where this exchange is from) to never say anything outside of the specific 5 ish ways of relating that they told us, and especially never to mention my own reactions. There is also a supervisor looking over your shoulder the whole time to make sure you follow the very specific 7 step procedure. It’s pretty absurd

Weekly support, vents, wins, and newcomer questions

What's been on your mind this week? Feel free to spill it all here!

If you're new here, please check out the rules in the sidebar. If you've been here a while, we appreciate you and hope this space is as supportive as it can be!

This sub is public again!

Based on poll feedback, it looks like about 75% of users support the sub being public again. I've noticed the significant downtick in activity over the last few months and think this is reasonable.

I'm also making the following changes to counterbalance this decision and support participation:

  • Going forward we will be supporting text posts only, to reduce the amount of spam
  • We will have weekly support threads where people can comment more casually

In addition, I'm looking for 1-2 people to expand the mod team to more quickly respond to trolling. If you're interested in joining, please send me a DM and I'll link you to the application. Also feel free to send feedback via the comments here or in DM.


Make this subreddit public again?

Since the sub was restricted a few months ago there has been a significant lowing of posts and comments. This is likely because I have to manually approve all commenters (unfortunately Reddit doesn't make this easy to do on mobile).

What do you all think of making the sub public again, and perhaps adding a few mods to the team to shorten the time to remove troll comments?

View Poll


I hear you, this is a difficult one and I've noticed a similar pattern. I'll make a poll for it

I believe that's included in rule 3 as I was trying to be as inclusive of different forms of discrimination as possible

Which rules were you thinking? We currently have 8 rules in the sidebar,

1 Be respectful and kind.

2 No minimization, invalidation, or gaslighting of experiences related to racism.

3 No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, or any other forms of oppression.

4 Include trigger warnings for sensitive and nsfw content. Avoid graphic thread titles.

5 Don't diagnose others; don't ask others to diagnose you.

6 No recruitment for research studies, surveys, etc.

7 No spam or topics not related to CPTSD.

8 If you are white, please refrain from posting and commenting.

Hi u/DylanMc6 , I am still active but we can discuss if you'd like to join the moderation team.

Would love a referral code by PM!

This subreddit is now private

Thanks to u/Queen4theday for pointing out the increase in content trolling lately and the need for a safe(r) space by making the subreddit restricted/private. I sincerely apologize for the delay on this—I know the original community poll was created last year. I hope to respond faster to community reports in the future.

To be added to the list of approved users, please click the "Request to Post" button on the right, or send me a DM.

Thank you to everyone who reported offensive content/users—that must've been hard when the content was so triggering. Thank you all for posting, commenting, reading, and keeping this subreddit alive.


Hi, thanks for this post. I hear you and I'm sorry for the delay on this.

I've made the subreddit private. Hopefully this shouldn't impact who's allowed to post (existing users), but if you have any issues, please send modmail.

It’s because the animators are getting worked to death and when they asked for an extension / pause it was denied. Personally I’m glad that there was a less polished episode, I’d rather they take care of themselves and not push even harder


To clarify, nonBlack and nonIndigenous PoC are allowed on this sub, as stated in the description.


Hi, I’m sorry this is happening. I’ll definitely be looking into to this further. I am currently removing the post because it contains personal information in the form of photos and is not directly related to the subreddit topic


Hi, mod here. Sorry about that.This is a good point and another reason to make the sub private.

I did one for the same reason — it was presumably for ADHD but i felt like memory/other cognitive stuff had notably declined in the past couple years due to cptsd & wanted to investigate that… So it was 7+ hours of cognitive tests for memory, problem solving (basically IQ test plus a few other impulse based ones for ADHD), plus some detailed psych questionnaires (OCD, anxiety, depression, ptsd, personality inventory) and biographical trauma history.

For me personally, it wasn’t terribly helpful — they said everything came back “okay” even though the percentile ranges of my scores ranged widely. Honestly it felt a little invalidating? they essentially only look at the raw percentiles for each test ( “abnormal” would be <10th percentile or below) and don’t really dig into overall pattern. I got a new diagnosis from it (OCD) but no new insights. They did say to bring it to a psychiatrist to see if it would affect medication. But maybe your experience would be different! Not sure what happens if something does fall under that 10th percentile.

Feel free to message me for more details! Can share more about the format of the testing + final report etc

Insurance wise, some of them do cover it if the provider is in network!

selling 2 tickets to DC concert tonightLive

realized i can't go, last minute! paid $52 each, selling for $15 (each)


Sorry for the delay, they've been banned

Hi! Not the original commenter but I found your reply really interesting and had a few questions:

Can you explain a bit more about why "feeling bad is bad" is the root of malignant narcissism? I'm a bit confused because it seems like a common view to have in (western?) societies but malignant narcissism is still relatively rare. Is it 'cause if someone really holds on to that belief, then they'll believe that anyone who makes them feel any kind of negative emotion must be bad, and then become vengeful towards them?

I resonate a lot with your description of living in your real life being painful so it becomes easier to live in the ideal self. The not being able to escape the complementarity dynamic even while alone is truly torturous

And this is undeniable the trickest part of complementarity: how it helps us mistake unhealthy for healthy. I thought I was being kind and gentle to myself. But really I was using the "nice" face of complementarity. I was telling myself it was "ok to not be enough" because look at what I had been through.

This...It really feels like I'm (codependently) enabling myself sometimes with the gentle attitude. I was quite harsh with myself overtly for a long time, so initially it felt like progress but there's still an underlying sense of unworthiness or undeservingness, not being enough. It ends up being quite toxic when I feel so insecure inside sometimes, that I notice the <<impulse>> to put myself above others in some way--and in the past I would go immediately to berating myself and putting myself down, try to absolutely make sure I don't act out on it, but now I just kind of "let it go" and /try/ not to act on it. Idk, maybe that's almost the opposite of what you're talking about. I kind of sense myself switching positions frequently and it seems like feeling fundamentally safe is key to getting off the seesaw, not being so threatened by the other person so that I have to either put myself above or below them.

Is the middle ground to recognize the complementarity dynamic inside and refuse to participate in the internal comparison w/ idealized self? To start with where you are at and accept that, even though it may be quite far from where you'd like to be? To take accountability and full ownership/responsibility for actions?

thanks so much for sharing!!! this is invaluable. i’m now inspired to maybe convert these to cards that you can print out, maybe color coded by area… would anyone else be interested in this?


Removed, thanks! I got covid and haven’t been able to check the subreddit

checked your post history — ketamine is contra indicated for schizophrenia, not sure about schizoaffective, but i wonder if that’s related.


yes!! we have an “official” discord here (link in sidebar also works):