I’m sure it would be but I think the original comment is touching on why is it presumed everyone wants that.

I wonder if she has one of those petite frames that when a certain amount of weight loss occurs they’re prone to look suddenly quite gaunt. In her case she’s actually been very slight for a long time but i think there’s a fixed idea of her as being more curvy due to her time on GoT.

Nothing new. The archer. Right where you left me. Anti-hero.

I like these songs that deal with the concept of being stuck in a place or being your own worst enemy incapable of moving on.

Surely the feelings of being in high school relate more to the giddy and optimistic feeling she alleges to have around him rather than an intellectual reference.

I feel validated that I said this would be an inspired choice a few weeks ago on the sub!

Animals by Emma Jane Unsworth.

Two grotty party mad female roommates. One is Irish the other America. I think it’s set in Dublin.

No, I think he was hammier in the pilot because his character had to be more obvious (it’s a pilot so has to sell quickly), I think he became nuanced and subtler as it went on.

2!!! I think Big would leave me be personally and Aidan and him could chat it out or not.

Meh I sort of always respected she had boundaries around it. She didn’t like their interpretation of her columns (and tbh they did come across like pricks) so she decided she wasn’t going to the meeting.

I think it depends what you’re into.

I didn’t think I’d like it.

But for me it’s like a shot of nostalgia. Captures some kind of 80s/90s/00s mash up. Very clubby and synth (for example, B2B has this constant pulsing sound rhat feels very industrial to me but with a club beat dropped over…)I really like it. But I can see why others don’t.

My small part to add is that I always thought I wasn’t that fussed after the initial hype but it ended up being one of my favourite parts of the eras tour….

Something that helps me is finding something i HATE or strongly dislike about it to counteract the fact I genuinely love smoking. Here are some of my hates:-

  1. I hate the smell and covering it up.
  2. I hate that it makes me worry everytime I have a medical issue that I might’ve induced cancer in myself.
  3. I hate that it will likely contribute to my ageing.
  4. I hate that people do look down on me for doing it.

I go through phases of quitting and starting. But when I’m in a quit phase, it helps to remember that. After a few days not smoking I genuinely don’t miss it. I promise you.

It’s a combination of having a reason and wanting to stop really.

This makes me feel very uncomfortable and honestly annoyed for you.

Presumably (which your post implies) you have said “I am not interested in doing that. Under any circumstances. Please stop asking me too. “ then he is trying to push you into something you don’t want to do.

I don’t see how this is different than him trying to do it over anything else (another sex act like a threesome, having kids, buying a house, whatever). You have made it clear and he is ignoring that and trying to persuade you.

You’re so young. I’m 9 years older and my genuine advice is that you say to him, you don’t want to do rhat, you have told him and this is now disrespectful to your boundaries. Tell him if it’s a dealbreaker for him, then he needs to find someone else. If he continues to push after this conversation, make it a dealbreaker for you. And leave him.

Miranda and Carrie were not afraid to call each other out…(Carrie usually when provoked) and I really appreciate this aspect of their friendship.

This is exactly how I feel. It’s also much more sane and measured than other stuff I’ve seen 👍

I’m English and they were ‘old’ when I watched as a teenager. Now I think they look fine. Perception maybe?