
Call emergency services if your hate boner lasts more than 24 hours.

The only option for the interior out where I’m at is all black. I’m jealous.

I don’t know why they don’t just stay on the roads. Worst time I saw them, they went into Dolores park. A women with a stroller had to avoid getting ran over.

Grass sucks to learn on. Uneven terrain when you can’t even balance properly. I also tried in turf, it was terrible. No traction. Buy baby bumpers and cover the wheel with it. Go on the widest, paved area you can find so you don’t have to worry about running into something often.

No expert but all manuals are subject to wear. Driving like a noob for an extended amount of miles will quicken the wear. No reason why a modern car will wear any faster.

I love it. Nearby dealer has it on the lot but charging crazy 8k markup

Just googled it and they only eat larva, not actual mosquitoes.

Just punches and kicks. Speaks more to how much bad there is out there if that’s the best you’ve seen.


Imagine winning 4 rings and still having to deal with this shit.

Crazy can be a great place for your pee pee. Might have to use some cunning so they don’t follow you home.

This is too funny. My work has these for free. I hated them for over a year. Then one day, I had a craving for something carbonated with a small sound/waft/mist of sweetness. Been drinking them since. Better than soda I suppose.

That was well delivered


Can’t wait until next year when they look scary in December and everyone says they’re title contenders again.

How much if you don’t mind?

This is actually amazing