We could always change that. 行きましょう

7in (18cm) cut and thick.

I know you aren't riding anyone, I'm just bored.

How good is your Japanese?

If you go to the Namba area (I prefer Amerikamura) you'll find a huge variety of both "foreigner" and "local" bars.

Local bars won't turn you away, it just might be hard to strike up conversations.

Tons of fun though! I reccomend Mittera Kaikan (it's a building, has tons of bars, you'll probably meet someone willing to show you more)

I know you said you're bad at meeting people IRL...but I consider myself pretty similar, and my Japanese is pretty basic (and was practically non-existent when I first got to Ōsaka) and I met a lot of great people at bars that basically brought me around to a bunch of others.

Farplane is also a pretty cool place (interesting decor 😄) that tends to have a solid foreigner and local mix. Friendly staff.

I feel like many retailers adopt a "household" limit for major console releases already. It's a deterrent only to the people who are complete shitheads and were only thinking about it.

Coco Ichi...particularly when they offer ささみ。

I tried the level 20 spice for a while, i wouldnt consider it crazy spicy (then again, i found very few things in Japan to be crazy spicy)... but I settled on 10 as the best balance of heat and flavor.

ささみ and sausage combo is my go-to, otherwise it's とんかつ and sausage

When i was at Osaka Comic Con there was a Metal Gear Rex, lol. There's some really good and creative shit out there

But I ain't faulting anyone for liking some tiddies.

Pretty sure it's 0620 or 0820...the second "0" curves in a bit before the blue stripe

Starting to become one of my favorites.

I'll take a lifetime supply, two orders at a time.

If you're talking about the nose bandaid....thats japanese.


This is very much dependent on the native speaker.

I've seen a TON of nearly illegible Japanese written by native speakers.

Almost like everywhere else in the world with writing.

That's not to say the aim shouldn't be to improve, just that the goal of 'native japanese' isn't always the best target.

This isn't a Japanese thing. Some girls don't kiss on the first date.