In TN the minimum wage is $7.25. So if you're making $7.50, you technically aren't making minimum wage. You also aren't surviving.

Statistics are often telling .001% of the story.

:res: Responders

Saw you at an event earlier, rock on :)

Being incredibly condescending and rude to service staff while expecting me to find it funny.

Hell yeah! Biles Mafia lol

Thanks for the explanation, and the groovy mods.

:res: Responders

I don't believe you.

There have been gay characters in Fallout since the first.

edit: in/since

:res: Responders

Existence is not political.

Every time they are mentioned, I can instantly recall that weird, chalky, sweet taste.

Formerly In RI

I suppose, but if one is going to abuse allergy medication, there are cheaper options. My Golden was on this stuff and it cost $80 a month for him.

Formerly In RI

It's allergy medication ffs.

:res: Responders

No problem with afkers most of the time. I have seen two events now where there were so many that there wasn't enough room on the server for people who would actually do the event.

I'm not soloing it for your absent butts lol

"I know you understand" is such manipulative nonsense. Sorry she did that to you. NTA

I don't think there's any way he would do it, but Conan. He's a big time history buff, and could provide amusing context to this potentially ridiculous spectacle.

He's ordering 3 large pizzas, extra cheese and pepperoni.