Man Freo crushed this draft

He can go to ground, absorb the tackle and concede a stoppage

100%. No prior before in the clip, but standing up in the tackle and going for a spin, for me, becomes opportunity. Old mate must dispose of correctly, and in this case does so.

That was an all-time low performance by the commentary team

Replaced Henry/Acres for probably half the salary and no draft capital. Dude looks smart enough, quick enough and skilled enough to lock in that role for years. Age matches their young stars perfectly too. Absolute win for Freo

That final dialogue between them so the best part of the entire series and absolutely ruined. The context is so critical. Voldy is still the most feared mofo around, he's come back from the dead, killed everyone he's ever decided too. Dumbledore is gone, harry is thought dead. All seems lost. Everyone is watching, waiting for the inevitable. Imagine you're in the crowd...

Poof, Harry, the boy who lived, is alive again. He appears out of no where, just in time. Voldy has failed to kill him...again. Then Harry, facing the most powerful and skilled wizard you've ever seen, the first thing he says is he doesn't need help. He starts threatening this dude, the guy that you won't even say his name because he's so feared and reviled. Voldy starts making excuses as to why he can't kill Harry, but he doesn't attack. Harry straight up says he won't be able to kill anyone again. He calls him Tom Riddle. Not even his evil wizard name, his real name. You can't even say his name without stuttering and Harry is here taunting him with his muggle name. And still Voldy doesn't he afraid?

Voldy cackles like a mad man while Harry says he's more powerful than him, that Dumbledore was more powerful too, and that Snape was betraying him for years. Then Harry suggests Voldemort find...remorse. He offers him one last chance. He invites him to 'be a man'. Something is said about wands, why does Voldemort need a more powerful wand anyway? Is Harry really that unbeatable?

Then...Bang. Spells are cast. Dawn breaks. No duel. No back and challenge. Harry has 2 wands, Voldemort is dead. Just a feeble, ghastly body sprawled on the floor. You rush in, cheering, screaming, desperate to put a hand on the boy who lived.

And Tom Riddle's lifeless body is moved out into the hallway, ignored and forgotten.

Thought the same thing when I read it. Family history is a major risk factor for cardiac arrest, and clearly he had a major risk of a major event. Add in drugs, alcohol, smoking, and no doubt some blood pressure and cholesterol problems and the dude was waiting to blow

Just sold my house in literally 2 days; one home open, half a dozen offers

The nation's fruit and veg were basically all coming out of SA for a period. The rest of the nation's crops should be becoming available soon, but because of the supply issue prices were/are much higher. SA farmers eating good though

This trade period was just lackluster. Afew decent players moved but mostly fringe players and definitely no one that changes the trajectory of any club in a significant way

I firmly believe skypeia was written so Oda could 'finish' the story in case he never got the chance to properly, given health or other reasons. That's why it's so full of foreshadowing, and why it kind of feels disconnected at times.

McQualter for me clearly wasn't ready for the Senior gig. He was likely to move on once Dimma did so this isn't exactly a shock.

But Richmond gave him a shot and some experience which will do his future a world of good.

Resigning Ken Hinkley

Losing finals

Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait

Mate you literally are unable to read the rules correctly. And clearly two professional umpires disagree with you so I'm gonna say you're in the wrong

Just go read the rules. This rule 33.2.1, refers only to the ball being caught outside the boundary. Completely outside the conversation and a stupid rule to even bring up.

The controversy would revolve around 33.1 (ball cannot touch the ground) and 33.3 (the time which a catch starts and stops

I've offered literally no opinion whether it is a right or wrong decision, but that fact that you can't even read the rules tells me you're too biased or too dumb to make a fair assessment and should maybe let the umpire make the call.

And if you want my opinion, the catch is 50:50 clearly, but he gloves it above the ground and doesn't change his grip so I'm giving it. The edge is 100% there and if you don't want to be given out maybe don't knick it down to the slips then blame the ump

That line refers to a catch going outside the boundary so maybe read some more before you start questioning umpires


Absolutely needed Denver 1/4 crossed out