It was $10 at our store, but only could wear them for a little over a week. The new policy supersedes the CMN donation attempts though. So you can wear them for free until Labor day

Final Fantasy. I'm going to say something unpopular and say I enjoyed the entire FF 13 series, though I didn't enjoy the time limited aspect of FFXIII:LR. FF15 just plain sucked. FF16 they mostly redeemed themselves and I need more than one bad game to stop me from buying it day 1.

So much this, BoTW was the longest it's ever taken me to finish a single Zelda game because its empty world and small shrines.

ToTK is the first Zelda that I didn't buy day 1 since I became an adult and could buy games whenever I wanted, largely because of BoTW. After I bought it it's currently the only Zelda that I haven't beaten, and I'm not sure if I'll ever decide to beat it. They put some fun features into the game but it's still empty worlds.

A lot of people have a hobby that they can do for a long time. Some people have an expensive hobby that they can't do all day every day because it costs too much. Some just need to travel somewhere to do it and it's hard because of that.

For me I could game all day every day because it's cheap, it's fun and I can do it from the comfort from my own home. It's really no different from some people being able to watch TV all day every day. I can't do that because I need to be moving around and gaming solves that.

I call it exercise for the brain, especially when playing a hard game or a puzzling game. Which is no different than an athlete, just more mental than physical. Olympic level athletes also train pretty close to all day every day as well.

We do it already....It's not bad but we are kind of short handed compared to what they told us we had. Once they fix that it will be great. However it's another thing for the Overnight TL to manage for call offs especially since we can't just take from deli/bakery like we used to. Though in an emergency first shift just has to handle some freight.

I hear rumors that we might be doing overnight deli/bakery stocking as well.

That's half a paycheck for doing basically what I already do. I bought a bottle of Alcohol a month or so ago to drink once in a while on my days off. had 2 small glasses. Before that bottle the last one I bought was probably 6 months before that.

$5 a day I might consider rejecting it, too small to restrict my life and I'd rather just get a raise. $50 though is a no brainer.

There's a good chance it's someone pulling things from the bin without actually picking things out

:flag-sc: South Carolina

He's right, it was the official act of the CANDIDATE for the president of the united states and therefore this statement should be admissible in court as an admission of guilt not as him being able to claim immunity.

Nope. Actually, our power grid has been quite robust. Where other areas suffer blackouts and struggle to keep up during high-demand summer months, we rarely see issues that aren't caused by actual physical damage from storms.


Texas, in the second spot, suffered through nine outages last year for an average of just under eight hours.

"System malfunctions were considered the primary cause of these outages, which predominantly impacted El Paso," the report stated.

Weird, Fox seems to think that Texas was the second worst state to be in for blackouts in 2023.

McWrap. If I can't bring them all back then the SouthWest McWrap.

Now I'm going to go run away from all the angry McDonalds workers who still work there and remember making those things!

The question is why don't we have free healthcare and college. We COULD have free healthcare and college. We spend more money on healthcare than every developed nation per capita.

The problem is that you're saying that our tax money is going to Israel having free healthcare and college. It is not. Israel has free healthcare and college because their politicians decided that they should. We could at any time demand that our politicians vote to allow free healthcare and college. Instead when Biden even decided to waive just $10,000 in loans he got sued to prevent it from people not wanting free college. The ACA(Obamacare) had to be watered down to even pass with a democratic supermajority in the senate and it hurt democrats bad. The American people don't want free healthcare and college because the American people keep believing that the small problems with it would somehow be worse than the massive benefits.

Mines the same way. I finally decided that I wanted a charging cable that could charge my iphone and android at the same time. Got one that has a lightning end, USB-C, and the old micro-usb end since my only real lightning cable is pretty short. Surprisingly it's the only USB-C end that doesn't cause any issues.

He's actually being responsible by going to Camp David. It has everything setup for the President to be a vacation site. Security, communications, etc. are all there. It's a working trip and not just for debate practice.

If he were like Trump he'd be going to Delaware and just be at home or golfing.

So the issue isn't really URLs but IP addresses. A URL turns into a IP address. So when I type in a URL it's actually in the background getting turned into something like Right now we are running out of IPv4s which are in that format. IPv6 is a lot larger, so big it's highly unlikely we will ever run out.

URLs we'll likely never run out because I'm not even sure if there's a limit to the length of a URL, so you can always add more characters. but it could be turned into a valid url.

Actually I will note I just looked it up. The limit to the length according to documentation is 2048 characters.

Sounds like my store. only 1 ear bud though which is fine for me.

As far as I'm aware the only way to properly detect it try catch as it's a singularity function to get the list of owned source files.

try {

sourceFiles = ns.singularity.getOwnedSourceFiles();

sf4 = true

//whatever else you may want to do with the list here


catch(error) {

sf4 = false;


Basically if you can get a list of source files owned you have it, if not you don't.

A less ram intensive method if you don't want all of your source files owned would be to try catch the first singularity command and use that to set the Boolean.

I could respect bushes, both of them even if I disagreed with many of their policies. Even if I was a republican, I could respect Clinton, Obama, and Biden. I can't respect someone using the highest office of the land to divide America, tell us we aren't great, and disrespect anyone who disagrees with him. The president should have respect for people, even those that they disagree with. He shouldn't be trying to normalize bullying.

If there was anyone who should never be given respect regardless of what position they hold, it's Trump.

I would say the most extreme liberals are the ones attacking Biden over his policy in Gaza. The most extreme liberals are saying Biden aren't going far enough. The most extreme liberals aren't trying to suck up to Biden as hard as they can.

Also there's a difference when maybe 10% of the left is extreme. Probably closer to 40% of republicans can't even admit that Trump has a lot of problems.

In the US it depends on the franchisee. For the longest time the one I worked at charged for extra Mac sauce, lettuce, tomato, bacon and cheese. All other sauces were free and as far as I remember all other ingredients apart from something like an extra piece of meat.

US registers are setup as far as I'm aware that it's an every sandwich or nothing thing. So you get charged for extra big mac sauce on everything even on a big mac. It depends heavily on the individual owner though, the ones where I live near at now charge for every sauce.

By definition of the economy, nothing. The economy's doing great, just as good if not better than normal.

By what people view as the economy, AKA how it affects them monetarily especially from a I don't have stocks or don't really care about my 401k because I'm nowhere near retiring, generally it's just the fact that wage increases aren't really keeping up with inflation.

If you ask me that has more to do with public perception. When inflation started every company used it and the pandemic as an excuse to raise their prices even more. Until workers pressure companies to raise wages, it won't be fixed.

Ever since we moved digital. It's hard for a company to justify sending cool thinks through physical mail for a digital game. Can't really give anything cool through digital more than a making behind the scenes or a digital artbook or soundtrack.

Honestly same one I'm studying for, Software Development. The only change I might make would be indie game developer instead of working with normal software at a company that pays well. Not too fond of the game development workplace nor too keen on joining a small indie team unless I really like what they are doing.

:flag-sc: South Carolina

Republicans plan to take care of the federal debt: Spend more on defense and lower taxes.

Democratic plant to take care of the federal debt: Grow the economy, tax the wealthy while taking care of the lower class.

Well I can tell you which one will work. Removing tipping from tipped workers is just going to create a loophole for more tipped workers to appear which will just grow the debt more. This means that someone has to pay that debt. Which eventually is going to be the non-tipped lower class workers.

The real solution is to make sure that everyone pays their fair share based on what they can afford. Lower class workers can afford less as a percentage, middle class a bit more, and wealthy a lot. Combine that with reasonable expenditures and looking at things like our huge defense budget and we can do a lot about the debt.

Excluding a certain class of workers from paying taxes isn't the solution.