If leveling Blacksmith to 100 gave me access to this glam for all jobs I would be crafting as we speak. If SE wanted the reward to be exclusive to crafters, just make it so that you can't sell it on the Market Board.

In a way it was more fun because there was a lot more people and everyone just memed and chatted the whole way through. It sucked for first timers though, so I get why they changed it.

I don't understand those people. You queued for MSQ roulette, you knew what you signed up for. I hate doing Prae and Castrum so I don't queue for MSQ roulette, it's as simple as that.

I sometimes pick it up if it's nearby, but this one had a warning about long cutscenes, so I figured I'd do the side quests first.

I always do side quests as soon as they appear, and I doubt I'm alone in that. So it isn't that out of the way.

Overwatch can be fun but never, ever reveal that you're a woman. You will always get someone acting weird about it, ranging from "omg it's a girl on the internet" to rape and death threats.

Even though I'm pretty familiar with American culture sometimes the cultural differences still manage to surprise me. Because the idea that you would hug a stranger while sober is wild to me. Casual hugging isn't a thing for many people here, although the youngest generation are a bit more huggy. I would think it was weird if one of my close friends wanted to hug me (unless it was a special occasion, like someone had just died or something), let alone a stranger.

I think I fixed it! I turned off the Nvidia Overlay, and now when I take screenshots there's no line.

You posted this right as I was writing my comment about the same issue! Yes, I have the exact same problem in the exact same place! Is it every other screenshot you take?

What platform do you play on?

Every other screenshot I take (and I don't mean approximately half of them, I mean every other literally, if I take one normal screenshot the next has the issue) has a weird diagonal line in the middle slightly to the left. If you zoom in, you can see that the line is made up of small white and black dots. It's in the exact same spot every time. Anyone else experience this? I don't see anything strange in-game, I only noticed this when I went back to look at my screenshots. I'm on PC, with a RTX 4070 super and 7800x3d.

Good to know, I didn't realize that I could get spoiled before the expansion even launches!

I wish we could turn it off. I dislike these quests in the first place, but now they won't even have an element of immersion. This should be a toggle.

In what world is that flat. I thought I misread at first and that they were complaining because she wasn't flat. You know what, I don't think these people even believe in what they're saying, they just want their misogynistic culture war and damn the facts!

Putting that aside, I'm excited about the redesign! She looks a lot more like the Lara Croft from my childhood than the earlier reboot design did, she was too baby faced.

For some reason this is harder for me to parse. While the in-game tooltips sometimes lack critical information, I like how they've divided up the information.

For the longest time I thought Expert dungeons were some kind of extra hard variant of normal dungeons. I'm guessing people are going to think that high-level dungeons means that they're super high level.

I always wished for that but I never thought it would actually happen!

I just got mine and was wondering if I needed to register it now, you saved me a google, thank you! They probably should include that information in the email though.

In my case, it was because it looked like Halone's mechanic visually and it had that third slice. So I wrongly assumed that it would require movement in all directions just like in the alliance raid.

The people who've learned how to do the Halone fight are probably more likely to die to the Gilded Araya mechanic, if I had to hazard a guess. Because when I saw the mechanic I was all "ah, this is just like Halone!", and then I did the exact rotating movement described in the OP and died repeatedly. Because in the Halone fight you would rotate there, so I thought it would work similarly.

(Not going to lie, it did take me a few tries to get Halone down because at first I was trying and failing to memorize the pattern fast instead of simply pre-positioning. But that mechanic claimed many victims when that raid was first released.)

I've been the healer who couldn't stay alive during that mechanic. It was terrible, the other healer died too and we didn't have any summoners or red mages so in the end the tanks had to bring it home. I went straight to Youtube to look up a guide after that, I was so embarrassed. At least my terrible experience means that I'll never forget that mechanic now.

Just in time for the longest maintenance ever! Just kidding, haha. Congrats on reaching SHB, it's an awesome expansion! (Once you've finished the expansion I recommend doing the normal raid series, the raids are fun and plot relevant.)

I don't like that kind of thing either, but it's not an either/or thing. Calling out misogyny and homophobia aimed at women doesn't support homophobia aimed at men, so I'm unsure why you're responding to me. I was just scrolling my Reddit feed and came across this post.

It would be nice if Reddit didn't throw this misogynistic shit onto my feed. "Angry lesbians" depicted as domestic abusers abusing poor little innocent Plane Jane, really? Now that the backlash to the backlash is starting, predictably queer women are getting the brunt of it. We're not really seen as part of the community and if we ever mention the existence of misogyny, we're labeled as oversensitive bullies.

I actually like Roxxxy's. It's simple but cohesive and she looks cool in it. Angeria's outfit is doing too much, and none of the individual pieces (hair, bodice, tights, shoulder thingies, skirt) fit together.

"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?"

The entirety of Elpis was so good, but that moment in particular hit me like a truck.

The end of the Endsinger trial when the other Scions show up was awesome, I vividly remember playing it for the first time. Also, that final showdown with Zenos, holy shit. I didn't expect it at all and thought there would be a wind-down after that trial, but nope! It was such a great culmination of Zenos' story arc.

As for the patches, I was dealing with horrible things IRL when I did the omicron tribal quests, and they hit very hard emotionally.