A ski trip to Japan for a week is cheaper than Thredbo. 

Freo is a nicer place to stay with plenty to do. I prefer it over the city. Is easy to get a train to the city for a gallery day. 

Our IGA has a sign that bags will be inspected and they ask every single person to show bag at checkout every time. There's no profiling to it. 

Live in an apartment block. Have had an Ioniq 5 for a little over 2 years. Have had no issues relying 100% on public chargers. They're everywhere in Perth. Local council even provides them for free in multiple car parks around the cafe strip. 

That's a very poor visualisation that doesn't make it easy to compare the numbers. Why is it up voted so much?

I think the big difference is those who have previously rented and are now landlords out of necessity rather than choosing to buy to invest and rent out. 

During Covid we had to relocate to Perth for 1 year for work with full expectations of moving back to Melbourne. So we rented our apartment out. 3 years later we're still in Perth and the place is still rented. 

Prior to buying the apartment we'd rented for 15 years so we know how much it sucks and we don't want to be those people to our tenants. Rent is very affordable and any issues we fix immediately. 

Yep. It's always the agents pushing prices up. Agents on our Qld and Vic properties pushed for rent increases but tenants are good and we can cover the mortgage already so we told them to keep the same $ for another year. 

Scrolled too far to see this. It was my immediate thought! 🤣🤣🤣 Classic episode. 

Any bar. 


But that has nothing to do with fashion. Can't claim to be the fashion capital of the country if everyone spends half the year looking like a shapeless box. 

Exactly. Probing just how easy it is to buy property here. 

Clearly you didn't read the original comment "no one can afford to buy or rent a house".

If no one can afford to buy or rent a house, who bought and rented all the houses?

I got this too and I'm in Australia! Someone done fucked up with their targeting. 

Have you tried RealEstate.com.au? It allows you to filter by price, bedrooms, suburb and size and has considerably more apartment listings than Reddit. 

Speak to your classmates. You'll have a 100% strikerate that they're also doing Nursing at ECU. 

They're not. Puffer jackets are not fashionable. They're hideous. 

Yep. Many FNQ towns there will have an Aboriginals pub and a white fellas pub. 

Just north of Townsville where it changes from dry bush / scrub to rainforest. Something about the constant humidity just makes people different (I grew up there and love going back for holodays. Mates who join from down south get a legitimate culture shock at some things). 

Primary school in FNQ we didn't wear shoes to school at all (1990s). Wasn't until high school that we had to wear shoes.