Scam Alert Harris jury duty

Hey folks, just had the phone numbers 713-999-7423 call and suggest that I missed jury duty and needed to make bond in order to not be arrested. Just a warning this is a scam. They then threatened to shoot up my house and kill me after I kept them on the phone for around 1hr messing with them.

I’m surprised! Is it a precision vs accuracy problem?

Probably more accuracy from the iPhone

Charley Crockett shows have tons of hardcore metal and punk dudes at them. Especially a few years ago when he wasn’t as big as he is now. When I saw him during covid I knew half the people at the show from the local music scene.

Post your Venmo so I can send you $5. You’re a fucking legend

Assuming you don’t have a real medical issue you need to strengthen your muscles around your knees.

What’s the difference between high altitude tourism and high altitude mountain climbing?

I’m not outraged and don’t have a problem with what you’re doing. However a mindset of “I don’t care about your morality” can lead to unethical decisions by society’s standards. We live in an interconnected culture where we develop norms and values. If a significant portion of a population that you live within challenges something that you do as unethical it is important to recognize their grievances and be critical of yourself.

“I don’t care about your morality” is a slippery slope.

The only thing awful about this airport is the endless construction resulting in bad traffic.

Unpermitted structures of neighbors making my taxes higher for having permitted structures. Advice on reducing taxes. Texas. Taxes

I have a 5-unit property, a house (3/2) with a 4 unit behind it that is all 1/1’s. All of my structures are permitted and the tax man had my properties value at around 600k by using their stupid algorithm. I bought the property for 430k 2 years and to be frank got a pretty good deal with that but I did buy it off Crexi so off the open market. The neighborhood is unrestricted and has lots of Hispanic construction workers. Many of the properties people have built additions but have not permitted these. This keeps their taxes low because the property tax algorithm does not acknowledge their additional square footage. Due to this my property is ~5,000 sqft and commands much higher taxes than my neighbors who have additional and duplexes built behind the main home and things like that. How can I get my taxes down, do I simply “rat them out”. Would it make for the city to investigate the neighborhood. Or do I just eat the extra taxes for having done it the right way.

Thanks! So far I’ve been buying from wholesalers and off the MLS or Crexi for multifamily. I’ve got my realtors license so I get some cost savings and benefits with that. It sounds like your direct to sellers/owner marketing campaign is what you’re encouraging. I like this as then I can target the specific neighborhoods I like instead of just waiting for the wholesalers/mls to bring me something in those neighborhoods. I guess I’ll be able to save the approximate 5-15k or more wholesalers fees by finding the deals myself.

What does this mean? I’m confused how you market yourself to buy good deals?

Open the Gate by Zach Bryan and the prequel of Beaches of Cheyenne by Garth Brooks. Not sure if alt country but a cool story

Thanks for this post what you’ve done is my long-term goal! What would you advise someone new to the game to do? My w-2 is ~230k and I’ve got a 5-unit. Just sold a flip for some profit and am working on my next flip.

Well it’s easy camping. They set up your tent and everything and cook and all. You just hangout and enjoy.

I booked a 3 day safari through Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater for around $650 through a hostel in Tanzania. We rode in an awesome Land Cruiser and there were 6 of us all either solo traveling or traveling in groups of 2. Can give you the right contact for that. You’ll be camping outside but so will most others and they’ll have tents set up for you and cook all your meals. Bring your own binoculars as the ones you can rent suck and are kinda expensive. Also I live in Houston. Have fun!

I didn’t realize it was that POD and thought it was just some band I’d never heard of 🤣

I’m at prime plus 3. Where did you get prime plus one?

A semi serious question but how do hardcore kids live in the Bay Area? It’s so damn expensive, I’d think it’d be tech folks and family money for the most part there.