It's really good, and definitely the best from Nuclear Assault, but it doesn't crack my top 10. Top 20, maybe.

You have Vektor on your list, but call Havok "technical"? Lol

Most of the bands I listed are old school. You should be able to find some to enjoy among those names even if you don't venture outside the norms of traditional heavy metal and thrash metal.

Remixes are different. Some are beneficial, some aren't, but re-recordings are almost always worse than the original.

Re-recordings are almost entirely unnecessary, and serve only as a masturbation tool for the artist. Svartsyn's The True Legend is just about the only exception I can think of.

The same thing happened to me when I was a teenager, and my friend gave me his extra copy of Worship - Last Tape Before Doomsday. I put it on when I went to bed, but I couldn't go to sleep with it playing. I was completely entranced by it and have been a funeral doom fan ever since. Monad is a powerful album, too. I can easily see it having the same impact.

It's not very similar in tone to the ones you mentioned, since it has kind of a laid back vibe, but Coroner's Grin album is by far my favorite groove metal album.

Those bands are a good mix between thrash, speed, traditional/power, doom, and death, so there's a lot of ground to cover. You should find something that clicks in that wide range.

Holy Moses, Znöwhite, Sentinel Beast, Chastain, Sacrilege (UK), Hellion, Thorr's Hammer, Derketa, Mythic, Detente, SubRosa, The Wounded Kings, Windhand, Acid, Meanstreak, Acrostichon, Original Sin, etc...

There are tons of quality bands out there with female vocalists, so there's no reason whatsoever to settle for the weak entries in OP's video.

Abramelin stands out as the best of the bunch for me, but there's plenty to enjoy there.

There are tons of great ones, way too many to put any of the OPs in the top 10.

If anyone wants some good female fronted metal to listen to, check out Holy Moses, Sentinel Beast, Chastain, Znöwhite, Thorr's Hammer, Derketa, Mythic, Sacrilege, The Wounded Kings, etc...

Indispensable classics.

Came here to say this. The perfect midpoint between epic doom metal and power metal.

They were in top form on this one. Probably one of my favorites from Motorhead, even factoring in the classics.

I don't see Mortuary Drape represented nearly enough out there.

There are more top shelf riffs in this one song than most bands will come up with in their entire career.

Denial (Mex) is one I don't often see mentioned, but their album gives me Demilich vibes.

Sludge is doom metal + hardcore. Mastodon doesn't have any doom metal in their sound, ergo they aren't sludge.