This victim blaming is what made me unfollow her. It’s not normal that shampoo and products make your hair fall out.

I would imagine that having the "holistic" description in her bio can offer some kind of defense in case someone is harmed from her plans, but why even risk it? If bodybuilding is her passion, then get some actual training for it..?

edit: typo

How closely does she examine her body to see "daily changes" of around a pound??

See everyone always links that video, but Brookwood did a retaliation video that’s soooooo much better

"prepare for stage battle after surgeries" ....I'm sorry what? Girl. Bodybuilding comps are not some greek tragedy.

This picture made me join this sub, because I do the exact same thing

Does the filter make her eyebrows go up or is that a personal choice?

The filter is wayyyy to heavy. Makes it hard to even see anything, so how is she even supposed to “sell”?

Also, why is she always in a bikini top?

Hey but question, does rosemary oil work? Asking for myself lmao

Call me crazy but it’s actually refreshing to see her without any filters- but her skin is screaming for proper nutrition. My skin has never been this bad, but once I cleaned up my diet I could see the benefit in my skin before I saw it on the scale. Get this girl some antioxidants 😩

I started on the pill, was wildly inconsistent taking it, got pregnant, and after decided that I needed my BC implanted because I simply cannot be trusted.

Did two full rounds of nexplanon and hated every second. Periods would last weeks at a time, heavy mood swings and extremely low libido. After six years of that BS I knew something had to change, so I went with the non hormonal IUD & it is absolutely amazing.

Insertion SUCKED, but it was almost like a light switch. I remember that first week I dropped ten pounds by doing nothing, and I felt happy for the first time without any external stimuli- it was so weird. I knew that BC fucked with hormones in a big way, but didn’t realize until I was off of them. I had been taking hormonal birth control for my entire young adult life, so I didn’t know what life was like without it. I still struggle a LOT with my moods so I’m not sure if the BC was totally to blame for that, but having a sex drive again is amazing.

I seriously cannot recommend the copper IUD enough. But like most of the replies on here, you’ll see that everyone has a different experience so you really need to have a convo with your doc about options and expected outcomes.

Yeah this isn’t about her tho, it’s about the post- too cringey and honestly that take really surprised me, even for a snark subreddit. Like- it’s 2024 & we are fighting for our right to even make decisions about our own bodies, and you are out here tearing her down because she’s getting her bag through an old man? Like come on now. Juliet Robert’s in Pretty Woman didn’t tell those rodeo girls off for nothing 😩